Chapter 11: The Lost Boys

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Taron's POV: 

The front door slammed shut. Silence. I tried my best to stay quiet as I listened out for anything, anyone who may still be here. Nothing. Everyone must have left. I can't believe she left with him. Why was he here? What did he want with Rose? She wasn't involved in this anymore, her part in his pretend investigation had surely been and gone. He isn't acting as the concerned copper anymore, this is for real. Something is going on in Leeson's messed up head and I plan on finding out what it is. 

I opened the door to her wardrobe, creeping out slowly. Nobody was around, I could very easily just escape the way I came in. Via the balcony. But something stopped me. Her bedroom was just how I'd always imagined a girls' to be. Messy, to an extent, pink. Makeup and clothes in every direction you look. More than one mirror on the wall. Essential. Band posters on the walls, just like I used to have in my room. God how I missed my bedroom from time to time. I sat on her bed and just looked around for a moment or two, taking it all in. I wanted to remember how this looked, so that when I'm not with her I can imagine that I'm here. I can imagine that I'm just a normal boy having some strange friendship with a normal girl. I can imagine coming over to visit her everyday, watching movies, baking cakes, going to the movies. I can imagine cuddling together on her bed, being in love just like a normal guy. How I long to have all of this again, but I'm becoming more and more scared that it'll never be possible. The more I get to know Rose, and the more time I spend with her, makes me want the normal life oh so much! I want it with her, that I'm sure of. My feelings, I'm not so sure of. I got up, striding over to the door to make my exit. Before I did, a small beeping noise sounded in my pocket. It was the tracking device I had planted secretly into the ring I gave to Rose as part of the necklace. She put it on, and now she was on the move it was activated. Game on Leeson, game on. 

Rose's POV: 

The lodge was completely jam packed. I could only just move my way through the crowd in the reception area to get into the main hall. I was moving swiftly, hoping to loose Leeson in the pack behind me. The weakest gets left at the back, fortunately for me. I could here him hollering me to wait up, but I just carried on. I didn't wanna wait for him, talk to him or be associated with him for the rest of the night. He was pissing me off, always treating me like a suspect about something. He was far too suspicious of me, and if he knew about Taron then.... I'd be fucked! 
I entered the main hall to find many people sat and mingling around the many circular tables that had been set out for tonight's event. I instantly clocked Ari, jumping up and down like a kangaroo, flapping her arms around to get my attention. I can assure you Ari, my attention is yours. I approached the table, looking over my shoulder for Leeson. No sign of him yet thank god. Our table was situated a row from the back, where the huge beautiful laminate doors were that led out to the lake. Quick escape was my first thought admittedly, if Leeson makes a B line for me that is. 

"Hey!" Ari greeted me with a huge smile and hug, pulling me into her gorgeous red sequined dress. She looked like Betty Boop if she was ever a red head. Absolutely stunning. Also sat at our table was Luke and a couple of boys I didn't recognise. I figured they were his Uni mates. There was no sign of Tina who I assumed must be getting ready for her first performance of the night. 
"How was the walk with the copper?" Ari added, smiling at me suggestively. "New love interest on the  horizon maybe?"

"Are you having a fucking joke?" I laughed at her. "If I didn't hate him before, then I do now!"

"How come! What did he say to you, because if he's being inappropriate then you can report him yanno!"

"It's nothing bad, he's just.... snooping. He seems so obsessed with The Night Gang."

She scowled at me, looking confused. "What's that got to do with you?"

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