Chapter 3: The Boy Who Ran

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Hi, this is Tina now. I figured I should take over from the storytelling for this next part. Here I am, sat at home with Ari just waiting for Rose to come home from her induction. She's been gone hours, I'm beginning to get a bit worried. Considering everything that's cracking off around here at the moment, well actually that's another story I'd rather not let Rose into just yet. Me and Ari both know how she gets once she gets an idea or a story into her head. It can manipulate her and drive her insane. We don't want that to happen to her again, especially after Maddox. Speaking of the bombshell, I can see her now making her way to the front door. Either it's my terrible eyesight or she does not look happy. Oh dear. I sit in silence, waiting for it all to erupt which it ultimately will. I hear the door slam viciously and Ari turns to look at me quick. 

"What on earth is wrong with her?" She whispers. I can admit we were both terrified. When Rose gets angry she's like the Tasmanian Devil. Little but deadly. She comes over to sit beside me at the kitchen table, waiting. Just as timed, Rose comes bursting through the door, a more relaxed expression on her face now. I'm confused. 

"Everything ok?" I ask nervously, poking at the wasps nest. "How did the induction go? Did you have Luke, he's lovely ain't he?"

"Yes I did, it went perfectly." She smiled sweetly, coming over to us at the table slowly. I noticed she was carrying something in her hand. A document or wallet of some sort. Maybe it was her welcome pack, even though, she received one of those in the post last week. Hmmm. "He actually asked me out on a date."

"What!" Ari jumped up from her seat, making me almost shed my skin. All this tension in here is no good for me I swear. "He asked you out? No fucking way! Where? When?

"Tomorrow!" Rose explained. "He's taking me to Starbucks. I hope you're both proud of me for fully putting myself out there."

I nodded. "We are Hun. As long as you are careful, stranger danger and all that."

She hummed in her throat, taking the seat directly opposite me. I felt like I was about to be interrogated by the chief of police. It's a good quality for her to have, seeing as she does wanna join the forces one day. She's halfway there on the intimidation front. 

"He gave me these." She said, laying out infront of her a collection of pictures it looked like. From the first glance I knew exactly what they were and that she'd want answers now, answers I'm scared to give her. I can guarantee that she's already drained Luke of everything he knows, which will explain why she has these in the first place. I look to Ari on my left who's giving me the exact same look, I can tell she's thinking the same. 

"Well, what do you want to know exactly." I ask her, pushing the photos closer to her. The quicker this conversation is over the better, I hate talking about this. 

"Why didn't you guys tell me about everything that's going on around here?" She asked. "It wouldn't have changed my decision to come here, if that's what you were worried about."

"It's not that Rose." Ari began. "We just don't want you to worry about it, or try and get involved in it. You know what happens when you get too wrapped up in something."

I watch as the expression on Rose's face drops, because she knows we're right. She got too wrapped up in becoming the perfect housewife for Maddox that she lost sight of her own life. I don't want her to start chasing fantasies and fairy tales and lose herself again. 

"Rose listen." I decided to step in now, because if this was all coming out into the open now I guess everything off my chest should too. "If you wanna look more into this whole 'Night Gang' stuff then you can, but please don't go chasing shadows or people that aren't there."

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