Chapter 4: The Night And The Moon

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Rose's POV

I had no idea what had come over me in that moment, but I was running faster than I'd ever ran before. Dodging parked cars and pedestrians in the car park for Starbucks, I didn't even look back to Luke. Even though, I did feel bad for leaving him there on  what was meant to be our date. That didn't matter though now, this was way more important. I'm certain this guy I'm chasing over the main road, trying not to get ran over, is Roman. One of the missing boys from the leaflet. He looks very different from 6 years ago but that's just what happens when you grow up. Puberty is a blessing really.
He wasn't giving in, and the fact that it was the evening now and so dark out here made it very difficult for me to see him, or where he was going.
"Roman!" I called after him, but he kept on running. "Please stop! I just wanna talk!"
I was no good. He was too fast for me and I could feel myself getting out of breath. He took a left, down what looked to he an alley way. I was reluctant to follow him now, there's just something about alley ways at night that unsettles me. Especially cause I'm alone.
Do I follow him, I asked myself. Maybe if I stop following him now, he'll have to take a rest. All this running must be tiring him out too. He could be resting around this corner from me this minute and I'm letting my chance get away from me.
I guess that was it then. I'd made up my mind, turning the corner to my left I was up the alley way now. Completely vulnerable.
There I saw him, walking now not running. He seemed to be panting. I was right, all this exercise had taken it out of him just the same as me. I tried my best to follow him being as quiet as I could. Maybe he'd stop and we could chat. I didn't want him to notice me again incase he ran again. Who knows what's going through this poor lads head...
He suddenly stopped, looking over his shoulder back at me.
"How the hell did you catch up with me?" He panted, still getting his breath back, hands on hips. "You're fast I'll give you that!"
"I'm suffering for it." I admitted. My chest was beginning to tighten up, this was one of those situations where  I could do with my inhaler. Asthma, you are a bitch. "I can see you are too." 
"Not for long." He stood a few steps closer to me, taking his right arm and placing it behind his back. Quick as a flash, he pulled out a weapon of some sorts. Like a wooden stick thing, put sharp and thick. Dangerous. "Now tell me who you are and how do you know my name!"
For some reason I put both hands in the air suddenly, like I was about to be shot. I didn't want Roman to hurt me, but something inside me told me that he wouldn't.
"I'm Rose." I introduced myself. "And... I'm not sure that was your name but now I know it is."
He stepped closer again, lifting the weapon high above his head, like he was about to thrash me with it. I was shitting myself.
"What else do you know?" He shouted. "How many more of us do you know about?!"
"More of you?" I questioned, lowering my hands. He looked nervous now. I bet no one has ever stood down to him before. "There's more of you."
He shook his head frantically, looking over my shoulder at something.
"Forget that!" He spat. "You need to leave now!"
I was confused, squinting at him. Like that was gonna happen.
"I don't understand." I said. He pushed me out the way suddenly revealing what he'd been looking at this whole time. 2 tall guys were behind me, walking up the alley towards us. They looked a lot stronger than myself, even with Roman at my side.
"GO NOW ROSE!" He screeched, raising his weapon again. The two guys lunged forwards for him, one knocking him into the nearby wall. He was coming for me. Something in his hands. I didn't wanna leave Roman, but I had to. I was in trouble.
I tried my best to run, but my ever so tightening chest prevented me from taking another quick step anywhere. I could barely breathe.
I suddenly felt a pair of arms around my body, lifting me from the ground. I tried to call out, scream out.  But I couldn't, nothing would come out.
"C'MON LEAVE HIM!" My abductor called out to his friend, who was stood over Roman. He was sat on the floor trying his best to rise, but he was clearly hurt so couldn't. 
They began to drag me away, up to the top of the alley way, further and further away from Roman.  My only hope of being saved was dwindling away. It felt like I was gonna die. This was it. 
My sight became withered, I felt tired. Exhausted more like and my breathing was getting worse. I couldn't fight back. I was sure I was close to death, then what would they want with a dead body. I'd be left here, in this alley way. Slumped up against the wall so they didn't have a murder on their hands. What a rubbish way to die.
Out of nowhere I began to see blurry images, quite a few of them. I found my body being flung around before finally hitting the floor. From what I could hear there was a lot of shouting, noises that sounded like thumps and bumps. Then someone shouting again. A car driving off quickly. Nobody had hold of me anymore. I was just laying here on the ground, waiting to die. I wondered if Roman had gotten back on his feet, fought the two guys off then left. Left me to die here.
I could feel my eyes getting heavier, about to close. I was slipping into unconsciousness, or death. Not sure which. I saw a shadowy figure looming over me, looking down on me. Roman was back, I hoped. He was finally gonna save me. I couldn't wait to find out however, as my eyes shut close......

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