You're Perfect

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Chapter 11
Finns pov:
I watched Rachel walk out of the choir room upset. I felt so bad for her, she didn't deserve that. I walked into the parking lot to see Rachel in her car. I knocked on the car door and she let me in as tears ran down her face.

"I'm sorry Finn, I didn't think they show up like that and I completely lost it. They're right so right I'm selfish." She said.

"Hey you are not selfish. Rachel listen to me , you are the kindest person I know. You took action for these kids and you're doing a great job." I said.

"I didn't come to my own brothers funeral Finn. That's awful and then you and I got divorced and that was horrible..." she started to ramble.

"Hey, look at me. Rachel our divorce was not entirely your fault we both made that decision and not going to your brothers funeral well it may seem bad but you were mourning and dealing with so much at the time. But Rachel if there's one thing I know it's that you are perfect just the way you are. Yeah you may have made some bad decisions but you are kind and loving and you care about these kids, and they care about you. So don't listen to your mom because she's wrong." I told her .

She looked at me and gave me a hug,

"You always fix me ." She said.

"That's just part of the job." I said.

She pulled away and our eyes connected and then suddenly we kissed.

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