Marry Me ....Again

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Chapter 27
(3 weeks later )
Finns pov:
I decided today I'm going to ask Rachel to marry me again. I know it's kind of sudden but I love her and I want more than anything for her to be my wife again . I sat in the auditorium preparing my speech for her. It's our place and I wanna do this here . I then texted Rachel and told her to meet me here .

"Hey handsome." She said

"Hey." I said and kissed her .

"What's up?" She asked me .

"Take a seat ." I said .

She sat down and said ,

"What's this about?" She asked me

I took a deep and said ,

"I've been trying to come up with what I'm going to say all week but , I think it be better just tell you exactly how I feel and before you answer my question I need you to just listen." I told her .

"Okay." She said

I took deep breath and said ,

"You and I have know each other for a very long time and through it all we have always found are way back. Whether it was me coming back after 5 years of being gone or finding our way back to each other at the place where it all began. We have been through breakups and divorce and almost deaths . I feel so lucky to call you the person I love and every morning I get wake up next to you and see your beautiful eyes and your radiant smile and I know I'm the luckiest man in the entire world . You are like this big bright star and for some reason you chose to let me love you after everything. And I know if I can just convince to keep letting me do that , to keep letting me love you , than in the end everything with be okay ." I got down on one knee and said , "Rachel Barbra Berry , will you marry me ? Again?"

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