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Chapter 21
(3 weeks later )
Rachel's pov:
I sat into the bathroom waiting for the timer to go off . I can't believe this is happening. Everything could change after this , what's Finn going to say if I am ? He's going to freak? We're not ready to be parents are we? I mean we're all grown up and established but we just have so much history together and if something goes wrong it could ruin everything and I'll be damned if I let my baby grow up without a father . What is taking so damn long? I should know by now! I looked at the timer and then the test . Time was almost up and that meant my life could change in just one quick second . Suddenly the timer went off and I jumped . My heart was beating fast and I felt like I couldn't breath . I picked up the first test and it said positive, I picked up the second and it said the same , and I picked up the third and my heart dropped . It was real , it was happening , I'm pregnant .

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