Cant Keep My Hands To Myself

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Chapter 26
(2 months later )
Finns pov:
Rachel's now two months pregnant which is good and bad because her hormones are all out of wack .  The bad part is that you never know how she's going to feel every minute of every day but most days she's been really good and for the past couple days she's been really horny so we've been having a lot of sex . Also her boobs are getting bigger everyday which is great . I woke up to see Rachel looking at me as if I was a piece of meat .

"Good morning sexy." She said

"Morning beautiful." I said .

She smiled and kissed passionately.

"Woah , that was a surprise." I said

"You're just so sexy." She said

"Thanks so are you ." I said

"I'm horny, lets have sex." She said

"Is this some kind of trick?" I joked

She giggled and pinned me down and got on top . She took her shirt off and said ,

"This is no joke ."

I smirked and took my shirt and pants off and we began to do it .

"This won't hurt the twins right?" I asked her .

"No , it won't ." She said and began to kiss my neck.

"Hey girl why don't we slow down ." I said unprepared .

"Little too late considering I'm pregnant." She said .

I gently rolled her off of me and said ,

"What is happening with you?" I asked her

"Nothing I just really want you inside me. Can't I be attracted to you ?" She asked

"Of course , I've just never seen you this way." I said

"What fat!" She cried

"What! No you're no where's near fat , you don't even have a belly." I said

"Now I'm not big enough !" She yelled

"No you're perfect just the way you are ." I said

"Oh shut up!" She said and threw a pillow at me and went to the bathroom.

I sighed because I felt bad and knew I had to make it up to her .

(That night)
Rachel's pov :
I was really upset with Finn this morning and I haven't been talking to him since . I got home from Kurts to see candles and flowers all in the house. I walked into the living room to see Finn in a gold thong . I smiled and said ,

"What the hell are you wearing ?" I said

He took my hand and sat me on the couch .

"Well I feel bad about earlier so I am going to wear this thong and give up a lap dance ." He said .

He pressed the music and suddenly he was shaking his thing everywhere. In my face, dance on me and twerking . It was hilarious but also very romantic.

"Okay ! Okay! I get it you're forgiven . " I said to get him to stop .

He sat down and sighed as he was out of breath . I smiled and got on top of him and kissed him passionately,

"That was the sweetest thing ever." I said

"I'm sorry about today Rachel. You are beautiful and sexy and you may be pregnant but I find you more and more radiant every day ." He told me .

I smiled and said ,

"Thank you , and I'm sorry about today . I guess these hormones are just making me a little crazy." I said

"You're a lot but crazy is not one." He said .

I smiled and said ,

"I love you."

"I love you more . " he said and we kissed

"So wanna go and see more of my moves ?" He asked me .

"Yes , but , first ."

I put his hand on my stomach so he could feel the babies kick me .

He felt it and said ,

"Woah that was them?" He asked me

"Yeah." I said

He smiled and said ,

"You're so getting laid!" And he picked me up and whisked me off to the bed room .

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