What Now

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Chapter 16
(3 days later )
Finns pov:
I walked into the choir room to see Rachel cleaning the piano. It's been 3 days since we did it and I don't regret it one bit , I just hope she feels the same way.

"Hey." I said timidly to her .

"Hey." She said shy .

"So it's been awhile since I've seen ya." I said nervously.

"Yeah it has." She said .

"Look about what happened the other night ...."

"Please Finn, you don't have to say anything it was a mistake . We were caught up in our emotion and we let them take advantage of us." She said .

"Oh? Is that how you really feel?" I asked her.

She looked down and said ,

"How do you want me to feel about this Finn? I mean we got divorced that supposed to be the end of this. That was supposed to be it and now we're here and we had sex on the piano and the desk so what do you want me to do?" She asked me .

I came closer to who her and said ,

"I want you to be honest with me ? Despite everything, despite our divorce do you still love me?" I asked her .

She looked at me and said ,

"I don't know how to feel." And left.

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