Love Me

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Chapter 20
Rachel's pov:
I pulled up to Finns house nervously. I felt about tell him to fuck off and even though I was upset with him I love him and he loves me . I got out of my car and timidly knocked on the door. The door opened and standing there was Finn.

"Hey." He said surprised .

"Hi," I said .

"What are you doing here?" He asked me .

"We were married Finn, we were married and I thought you died but then you came back only so I could lose you  again. I love you, I love you much that it hurts . It's hurts to see you with someone else , it's hurts to not be able to kiss you , and it's hurts to not be able to say I love you every single day . I want you Finn, I want you on top of my body , I want your arms around me , I want you so bad . " I told him .

He pulled me inside and said ,

"I want you to love me like no one ever has." He said .

"Then kiss me." I told him .

He put my hair behind my ear and pulled me in close . He put his lips close to my neck and kissed me softly .

"Tell me you love me." I said .

"I love you." He whispered kissing my neck softly.

"Again ." I said .

"I love you." He whispered again kissing my neck softly .

"One more." I said .

"I love you." He said and then he kissed my neck and I backed him into the wall and we began to make out .

"Take me upstairs." I said .

He picked me up and we went upstairs into his room . We got to his room and he put me down onto his bed and took his shirt off .

"You've been working out." I said looking at his abs .

He took off his pants and boxers and lifted up my dress. He then began to ride me hard .

"Ugh oh ugh...." I moaned .

"I want you to give me a blow job ." He told me .

"Only if you give me one ." I told him .

"Deal." He said .

He pulled out and he spreaded my legs apart and began to eat me out .

"Oh,Finn ...." I moaned holding his head down.

He came up and laid on his back .  I got on top of him and I kissed his body and then gave him head . He held my head down and then picked me up and ate me out as I gave him head . I could feel his body sweating as he put me down on the bed .

"Shower now." I said .

He picked me up and then we went into the bathroom . He turned the shower on and I pulled him in and turned my butt towards his and he fucked me from behind . I moaned loudly as the pain turned into pleasure . He smacked my ass making me moan . We got out of the shower and went back to the bed . I got on top of him and said ,

"I want you to cum inside of me ."

"When it's time I'll let you know." He said .

I began to rub his cock with my hand making him pre cum .

"Rachel, Rachel it's time." He said .

"Okay get on top ." I said .

"I don't have a condom do you?" He asked me .

"No but who cares? Just cum inside me ." I said demandingly horny for him .

He was hard as a rock and big . He gentle put himself inside me and began to ride me faster and faster . I could feel him ready to burst . I held his neck and suddenly he burst and I had a big orgasm. I pulled him closer as he went in me for a good minute of so . When he was down we were both out of breath . I look at him and said ,

"What now ?"

He looked at me and kissed me passionately ,

"Let me love you."

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