Jen got a kiss and I have a date (chp 9)

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Chapter 9 yo

My fingers ran over the smooth silver wrapping paper for the millionth time, debating with myself if I should give it to him or not. What if he hated it? What if he didn't like to sketch in notebooks? What if he already had a notebook?

I mentally slapped myself.

My jaw slackened, like I had been slapped in real life.

"You can do this!" I assured myself as I stood up defiantly, pounding my fist on the kitchen counter, which caused my glass of water to shake with force. Immediately, I drew back my hand to my chest, shaking it rapidly. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" I let the pain subside. "It's just a gift! I can give it to him!" I puffed out my cheeks and stormed off to my bedroom, stomping.

My wardrobe slung open dramatically. I scanned my clothes collection for the hundredth time, trying with all of my might to find my white sweater. My mouth flew open with surprise as I pulled it out of the closet. I fist pumped in the air, in victory, and I continued hunting down the rest of my outfit.

A few vigorous minutes later, my sweater was hanging loosely on my torso, a black tank top tucked and hidden under it. My jeans were, of course skinny. They had a rip here and there. I didn't buy them that way, I'm sad to say, but they seemed to blend in with all of the other ripped jeans you see on the street. Since the jeans had countless holes, I put on some thick white leggings underneath. Sadly, I couldn't prance around with skin exposed legs in New York during the winter season, like I could in Florida.

Soon after my clothes were on and arranged correctly, I went to the bathroom to apply my makeup. It was natural today.

As I sat on my black leather sofa in the living room, I slipped on my retro-looking boots. They were dark and worn, in a stylish point of view. I laced them up all the way to my mid shin. Standing up, I shook each foot several times to make sure they were on securely.

Suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, my doorbell rang.

I started to walk over to the door, grabbing my phone on the way just incase it was a murderer or something. My head lowered down to the peep hole so I could glance outside.

It was just Jenna.

I let go of the breath that I didn't know I was holding, then unlocked, and opened the door.

Jenna and Niall had gone on their date earlier today, back around 1:00. It was 4:30 presently. Was everything okay?

The tall, blue eyed girl leaped through the front door and into my foyer. She turned around quickly and grabbed me by the shoulders and began to shake them rapidly. "KIANA!" she screeched.

"Shh," I ushered. "Quiet, the neighbors will think I'm getting killed."

As she calmed herself down a little bit, I led her to the living room and set her down on the sofa. "Okay, what?" I asked cautiously.

"NIA-," she stopped herself from screaming and continued at a normal volume of voice. "Niall...," I nodded, telling her to go on. "Well... He.... He kissed me..." Her voice wavered on the last two words and her cheeks grew red.

"DETAILS!" I yelled at her, completely forgetting what I had just told her.

"Well...," Jenna continued to tell me about her date. Apparently, they went out for a late lunch and then the park... And a movie. Wow. "A-and then we went to say good bye and... BAM!" She jumped up suddenly, making her arms fly up into the air to exaggerate the kiss. "KISSES!" Her eyes wavered and her arms fell to her sides. "Isn't that really early for the first kiss? The first date? Won't he think I'm easy or something?"

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