Midnight (chp 3)

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Chapter 3 yo

As I sipped away at my tequila, Zayn told me a few tales of being a member in One Direction. He told me about the numerous pranks they had played on each other, the stupidest things they had ever done behind stage, and told me how they thought of the lyrics for some songs.

Turns out, most of the songs were based off of actual events that one or more of the boys had encountered in the past.

"...and that's how we thought of the song 'Rock Me.'" Zayn finished.

My jaw dropped. "Little innocent Liam?!"

He nodded with a smirk. I asked for shots and the bartender brought me over shot after shot after shot.

"Anyway," Zayn said blankly. "How's your drinks?"

"Good," I answered.


We sat there for a moment. "Hey, Zayn," I said after taking another shot. He looked up from his drink and met my eyes. "How many drinks have you had?"

I started counting how many I had had in my head.

2 glasses of tequila... 2 glasses of vodka.... And 7 shots?!

Zayn looked up to the ceiling and started counting aloud. "1, 2, 3, 4......13?"

The dance floor was looking more and more appetizing the longer we sat there.

"So," I paused. "Are you drunk?"

He gave me a wink and said, "A little bit."

I couldn't believe what I was saying. "Do you wanna dance?"

"I have a better idea," he smiled, dangerously. Turning to the bartender, he ordered, "Hey, lad, can we get a full bottle of the strongest stuff you have?"

The bartender nodded and disappeared. Soon after, he came back with a huge bottle of some kind, the contents unknown to me. "That'll be 43.50." I let my jaw drop. That was expensive! Zayn didn't even seem fazed as he set down 43 dollars and 50 cents down on the drink stained counter. The bartender added, "And for your drinks... That'll be 50 bucks." My jaw dropped even lower. Zayn dug in his pocket and fished out a 50 dollar bill. "Thank you for coming tonight." The bartender smiled.

Zayn asked kindly, "Can I get a paper bag for this. Or is it legal to drink in the street?"

He answered him by setting a tall paper bag right in front of him with a sarcastic chuckle. "Not yet it isn't, kid."

Zayn looked back at me with a smirk. "Let's go,"

Once we were outside Zayn opened the bottle with a strong twist of the cap. The cap disappeared in his right pocket of his black jacket.

Out of curiosity, I asked, "So what's in the bottle?"

He shot me a wide grin and answered smoothly, "Tequila,"

"Just tequila?" I asked, puzzled.

"You'll see." He said.

I didn't really feel drunk when I was sitting down, but now that I was standing, my legs seemed to go their own way. My head was swimming with thoughts of singing and dancing.

Hey, what the heck?

I started blurting song lyrics to Zayn and he joined in in our drunken lyrics.

"...and then we danced all night to the best song ever, we knew every line, now I can't remember how it goes but I know that I won't forget her, because we danced a night to the best song ever!"

"You'll be my summer love! You'll always be my summer love!"

"...that's what makes you beautiful!"

"She's not afraid of scary movies, she likes the way we kiss in the dark, how come she's so afraid if falling in love?"

We would take a swig of the mysterious alcohol between songs.

"Hey Zaynie," I giggled. "What time is it?"

Zayn laughed heartily and pulled out his phone. "12:00,"

"Midnight!" I laughed drunkly.

We continued to sing random songs from previous One Direction albums and dance with shaky legs until we were out of alcohol.

"What time is it now?" I asked giddily.

"It's uh... It's.... How do you read numbers again?" He joked. "Just kiddin'." He laughed at his own joke. "It's... 2:46."

I snatched his phone away from his grasp and opened a new contact. "Kiana the girl with midnight memories and tequila," i read aloud. "You can text me or whatever when ever you feel like it!"

He beamed.

Soon after I handed back his phone, he unlocked it and started typing away. He tapped the screen once more and my phone's text tone went off.

I pulled out my phone and laughed as I read his text.

'You said I could text you whenever I felt like it, so hi :)'

I giggled as I typed a response.

'Hi :) I'm a bit tipsy tbh'

He answered his phone with a devilish smirk.

'Hi tipsy girl, wanna hang out tomorrow? ;)'

I blushed as I typed my response.

';) okay'

He smiled and said "Great!"

I laughed.

The street was bright and flashy, just like how you would imagine New York City at night. Not many people were out though, but the few that were were giving us strange looks and whispering among themselves.

"See you tomorrow then?" I asked with a grin.

He nodded. "I'll text you the details."

As we started walking our separate ways, I remembered that we were both too under the influence to drive anywhere. "Hey Zayn!" I called out to him from across the street.

He turned around and shouted back, "Yes, love?"

"Do you need someone to drive you home?"

"Nah! I called my friend Niall! He's going to pick me up!" He smiled and asked, "Do you?"

"Nah! I'm going to call my friend Jenna! She'll get me!" I answered.

"Do you want me to stay with you until then?"

I blushed and nodded. I didn't want to be alone in the busy streets of New York. Zayn came running back to me and we leaned against a brick wall as I called Jenna.

Jenna got there in just a few milliseconds. She pulled up in her blue Ford Mustang and waved at Zayn. Zayn waved back with a smile. I jumped in the car and watched Zayn get into a dark red Hummer that was parked on the other side of the street.

Jenna took off down the busy street and started blabbing away.

"Who is that?"

"That's Zayn." I blushed.

"THE ONE FROM ONE DIRECTION?!" She screamed in my left ear.


"OH MY GOD!" She screamed and almost swerved off the road. "WAS THAT NIALL HORAN THAT JUST PICKED HIM UP?!"

I nodded.


"Brace yourself for this one," I warned. She nodded her head, making her light brown waves shake. "I'm hanging out with him tomorrow."

"OH MY GOD!" She screamed with a huge grin.

Now all I had to do was wait for the text.

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