Chapter Six.

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Harry and I continued to hold Fionn up, he was beginning to put more weight on his uninjured leg, resulting in his limp being confined to the side I was keeping upright. He wasn't heavy at all, the lack of proper meals and regular exercise had taken whatever fat was previously on his body and replaced it with a thick layer of muscle. Both myself and Harry had an arm swung over our shoulders, however as Harry was taller than Fionn and I was shorter it created a slight problem when we came to trying to get through doors.

Eventually, we got him out into the hall. Naila was at the stove, trying to make breakfast... however there was a scent of burning in the air. "Naila, are you deliberately burning something?" I joked with her, her cheeks turning a bright red, before she looked directly at Harry who was smirking. "Do you want me to help?" I volunteered, before Harry stepped in, shrugging Fionn's arm off his shoulder and making him fall into me. Apparently I was going to have to help him on my own then?

I readjusted the arm on my shoulder, shaking my head at Harry and Naila. No wonder he agreed to stay. "Since Harry's preoccupied I guess we'll have to do this on our own." I joked to Fionn, he let out a half chuckle, half gasp out of pain. We started walking towards the door straight ahead on the right, opposite the pantry. Once there I managed to get the door and push it open, before we began walking again. We never used the room that connected the bathroom to the house much, it's purpose was at one time for my grandparent's dog that slept in there, they had always believed that they should have their own space.

The door between the unused room and the bathroom was a little heavier and had a latch, I quickly unfastened the latch and pulled the door open, trying not to make the boy next to me; who was dripping with sweat from the pain of having to walk this far with a infected hole in the leg; move too much further, which could have resulted in him collapsing on top of me. When the door was fully opened I sat him down on the edge of the bath tub. "I don't know how we're going to do this, considering the fact you can't stand and also your friend is a little carried away in there." The laughing that was coming from in the kitchen meant that, obviously someone was getting a little too close to the soldier who had nearly got stabbed by a fork. 

"Someone's going to have to help me, and by the looks of it Harry's not so I guess that someone is going to have to be you." His green eyes stared straight into my not so nice brown ones. I'd always wished I had blue or green eyes, but hey my eyes weren't too bad I guess they seemed to change colour between brown and a dark green.

"Your uniform needs washing, you can't just put that on after you're clean it makes no sense." My brother always used to keep some spare clothes in the cupboard in the bathroom so I stood up, my legs taking me over there. The door handles were covered in cobwebs but I didn't really mind too much so I opened the double doors, finding that he had in fact left a whole wardrobe of clothes in there. "Well you've both got something to wear after, everything should fit." I span around, Fionn listening to me intently. 

"Why are you doing this? You could have just patched me up and sent us on our way." He spoke, his voice soft, my gaze drifted to his face, raising an eyebrow I took my time to conjure up an answer. "My brother is fighting, I don't know where he is and it's my duty to help his fellow comrades." Shock crossed his face, before he visibly relaxed, "Well that makes a lot more sense."

A small smile graced my face before I got serious again. "Well lets get you in the shower." The injured leg had his trouser rolled up to the knee, the bandage was still wrapped around his lower leg, however it was red, and soaked through with blood. We had taken his shoes off just after I'd bandaged his leg and along with those also his socks. Fionn began to unbutton the thick shirt that was stained with everything you could think of before shrugging it off of his shoulders and onto the floor, then unclipping his suspenders and undoing the buttons on his trousers. I began to unroll the trouser leg that had been rolled up because of his injury, it unravelled to unveil a hole where the bullet had soared through, blood layered the material of the trousers. He was looking intently at me before he blurted out "I've never had a girl on their knees infront of me before." My head quickly snapped up, my cheeks heating up and turning beetroot red before I heard him laugh properly. "I was only joking, no need to look so shocked." He stated, my heart was pounding.

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