Chapter Eight

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It seemed as though my brain had not had a chance to calm down, for as soon as the sound of the explosion has ripped through the building, another even louder bang filled the air. Then there was silence.

My ears rang as I covered my face with my hands, in dire attempt of shielding myself, however there was no screaming and so no damage. I breathed out a sigh of relief, looking through the window to see smoke bellowing from a little further down past the garden. My shoulders slumped and I let a stray tear fall from my left eye, that was too close. 

By the time I had restored my composure, Harry was running out of the door everyone staring at him in Shock. Seeing the reality of war just didn't seem right for me, it didn't fit and I didn't like it. My brain processed Harry's disappearance very quickly, feet taking after him before I could even fully think through the repercussions. Once outside I quickly climbed the fence, throwing myself over after Harry, not regretting leaving the others inside. Quickly, I placed my arm over my mouth. The thick smoke reeking of burning flesh, chemicals and a metallic taste littered the air. No one could survive this surely?

Not a second later I heard a cough to my immediate right. "Harry?" I spoke, my arm still making sure I wouldn't inhale the fumes produced. Another cough. "Here." I turned sharply, fully alert. "He's still alive, we can help him." He gestured to the Air man laying on the burnt grass. I grimaced, the blood was coating him head to toe. He was breathing however. I looked at Harry's face, his pleading eyes, before blinking and nodding. "Alright, help me get him to the fence." 

Harry picked the man up, throwing him over his shoulders before moving him over to the small gap that I hadn't seen before in the fence. He tore through and power walked back into the house, with me in tow. Setting the man down on the table, he span on his heels and jogged back out the door.

 "Naila can you grab me a towel and a bucket of water?" "Already on it." I couldn't tell how bad his injuries were, the amount of blood coating his body suggested serious, however depending on where the blood was coming from... I put my hand to his mouth, checking for breathing and then felt for a pulse,  I had forgotten that Fionn was in the room.

 Locating a relatively large piece of shrapnel from what looked like the aircraft was jammed in the airman's right arm, closer to the shoulder then the hand I glanced and Fionn. "Something for a tourniquet." He nodded, his feet taking him as fast as he could back towards the bathroom. Harry reappeared, shaking his head. "No one else?" He shook his head, and I sucked in a breath, wow. 

At that moment Fionn handed me a belt, perfect. I snatched it off of him, becoming rather impatient. Naila was checking for any other wounds, while wiping away the blood. "Can someone help me pull this out, it's going to bleed a lot." Fionn rolled his sleeves up, before coming closer to the injured man. I wrapped the belt around the upper arm. "On three, One. Two. Three." The shrapnel was ripped from the man's arm and I was quick to tighten the belt, blood oozing from the wound in cumulative fashion. 

Once the belt was fully secured I took a step back. "Thank you" Fionn's mouth curved into a small smile, he nodded. "All in a days work." 

"Any other injuries that you can see? Anyone?" I took a look around no one says a word, a lot of blood for that wound. "Alright, we'll leave him here. Fionn? Do you want to stay with me and we can take turns." 



I am so so so so so sorry I haven't updated just haven't had the heart to. I know this is short but right now it's storming outside and I probably should go and make sure my dog is okay.

So Dunkirk comes out on Friday yay! I'm so excited, although I saw it last Thursday after the premiere and let me tell you IT IS AMAZING. The whole cast are phenomenal and I just couldn't get enough. Alex (H's character) has to be my favourite, he was just so not H but his emotions and the way they were conveyed... WOW. Fionn, he's so adorable in it as Tommy the role suited him and I'm so excited to see him in his up and coming projects. (I'm still very annoyed that I missed him being in my town for HIM). Seriously though, once you've seen the movie, come talk to me I've only spoken to one person about it because no one has seen it yet dfjnda.

Have a great day, evening, night wherever you are.

(Suppose I can say my name is Robyn considering my face is now in my picture THEY WERE SO LOVELY)

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