Chapter Five.

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I was the first to awaken the following day, it was still dark out, however the first hints of daylight were becoming visible. The living room was still pitch black, the only subtle lighting coming from the gaps underneath the curtains. Looking around I realised everyone was still sound asleep, Fionn's forehead was gleaming with sweat, unfortunately this could only mean one thing. Moving my hand slowly to his forehead I felt for warmth, the heat coming off the boy meant that his leg was infected, which didn't quite surprise me as it was an open wound.

I stood up from the chair I had slept in the previous night, dizziness enveloping me before fading quickly. Making my way towards the door I tried to be as quiet as possible, the wooden floor was harshly cold to my feet and the constant squeaking seemed louder than any other time I had been in this room. I reached slowly for the door handle, pushing it down and pulling the door open. No one awoke. 

My feet took me into the room adjoined to the kitchen, and just past where the bathroom was. Once I had finished in the bathroom, I could tell that the bangs were once again increasing in volume. I hadn't heard them start as they must have began at the crack of dawn but they seemed even closer than the day before.

The door to the living room opened not long after another loud boom radiated around the house. "Morning" Harry's deep voice resonated within my ears, he then let out a loud yawn, covering his mouth. "Have you checked Fionn? He should be alright to leave today, shouldn't he?" I span around, remembering the fever he had minutes ago before shaking my head. "He seemed warm to be, burning up with a fever... It's most likely infection but he can't move. It would only make him worse." Harry's face dropped, his mouth opening slightly as if he didn't know what to say, before he spoke once again.

"What are we meant to do? Our orders could have been changed by now and by the sounds of it outside, they're getting closer. What if some axis troops end up here? We would both be shot on top of you and Naila too, for helping 'the enemy.'" There was no way I was letting Fionn leave the house in the condition he was in, the only problem was convincing Harry to stay instead of getting blown up on the beach. "I'm not letting you go. If they come we can hide you, there are plenty of rooms here, not to mention the attic has fake walls from before I was born." 

At that moment Naila walked out of the door, we both spun around towards her. "Harry wants to leave, he thinks they're in too much danger here." I blurted out before she even made another step, my words struck her and she stopped walking her foot mid air. "You're not leaving, no way. He's sick Harry, you either go alone and bring someone back and let me just remind you that the area is crawling with spies. Or you stay here, safe until we can get you out of here." Clapping would be a good idea right now, she could always get her way and as Harry's shoulders slumped I knew we had won.

"We'll stay." Was all he said before turning on his heels and walking back into the living room. Medical supplies, those were what I needed next. "Naila, can you put a breakfast together? I'm going to wake Fionn, if he's not already and clean the wound. Both of them definitely need a shower, that would help the wound too. So can you put the stove on, it'll heat up the boiler." She smiled at me and nodded, I knew that there was no point in redressing his injury until he'd had enough time to shower and so I followed Harry's steps back into the living room. Once I entered the room I noticed Harry sat on the chair where he slept, Fionn was awake but still laying down as before.

"So who's going to shower first? You both need to have one." Harry pointed at Fionn, he was wearing a pout on his face, it wasn't reaching his eyes though... I nodded, not having an idea how we were going to do this. "Can you stand?" I asked, my gaze drifting to Fionn, he shrugged his shoulders genuinely unsure. "Well, we're going to have to get you up anyway." I flicked my head toward Harry, "Can you help? I don't want to drop him." Within a couple of seconds Harry was stood next to me, Fionn swung his feet off the arm of the chair, one leg moving a lot slower than the other. He then sat up, his eyes swimming around for a few seconds, "Sh*t, I feel dizzy." I laughed, knowing exactly what he was feeling while Harry kept a solid straight face. "Okay on the count of three?" I looked between the two boys. "One, two, three." Fionn pushed off the chair, putting all his weight on his legs before wobbling and almost toppling over, We both grabbed an arm each and soon he settled. 

"Try to walk normally, if you unbalance yourself and you are like me you'll end up with a back injury or the other leg will give out!" Fionn turned to me, laughing half heartedly. "You do have an odd sense of humour." I looked at him strangely, furrowing my eyebrows as I'd never been told that directly at least before.

Throughout my life I'd always been the one to keep quiet, if I didn't have an interest in something unlike many people I wouldn't show it. I didn't see the point in feigning for attention, there was no ideal in doing so. My mind worked differently, the things I though were funny, for others often weren't and I guess that's why me and Naila got on so well, she was very like me in that way. Soon after I was pulled out of my thoughts by a voice "I didn't mean it in a negative light, it's nice to have someone like that around."

ORDNANCE. (DUNKIRK. Harry Styles, Fionn Whitehead) Where stories live. Discover now