Chapter 3

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  After wandering around the forest for what feels like forever I finally find her in another clearing that is nothing but black all around. I guess it takes longer than I thought it would to find a dragon. "Well I see you have been trying to burn down the forest." She shrugs her shoulders. "Well at least it's not the whole forest. The elves shrouded this clearing with magic to keep my fire contained in this area." Suddenly we both hear leaves and branches cracking. On the alert we get into a defensive position. Ever since Rataero ordered Rataran to capture us we had been on our defense a lot even if there was the slightest breeze it startled us. As the branches shivered a male elf entered the clearing . We had been ready to attack in case it was a Rataran. We subsided our fire and relaxed as the elf walked closer though it had been startled when he had entered. Bowing to us quickly he started speaking. "Dragon Keeper the leaders have requested your presence." I chewed my lip wondering what they request my presence for as we flew towards their denariu. It was a quick flight and soon reached the leaders denariu and flew in through the side entrance that they made for easy access for us. Landing inside I got off to see the leaders standing before me. We bowed to each other and they asked for me to sit down. I sat down next to Scarlet as they went to their seats. "Amy we have asked you to come because we got word from one of our elves at Draehr Sanuwae that they are being attacked. The attack started four days ago. And guess who was leading the attack.""Rataran." My eyes narrowed when I said his name. "Yes which means that there is no more time for you to train. You must begin your quest for Draehr Sanuwae now.""Wait. Now? Like now now?""Yes like now now. I suggest you hurry back to your denariu and start packing. You leave as soon as you're done packing." I was shocked I hadn't been here long but this place already felt like home and to go on a quest when I was just learning the limits of my magic. Now that I thought about it I didn't even know if I would be able to do this quest let alone fulfill the prophecy. Bowing once again we left to go start packing for the quest. While packing there was a knock at the door and Tatiana came in. "Hey. What's up?" I said while smiling. "I came to talk about the your quest." She had a half smile on her face and that made me worried. "What's wrong?" She takes a breath and puts a huge grin on her face."I'm coming with you! The leaders don't want you going alone and since I know you best they're sending me with you! Isn't that great!" I smiled as well she really was a good friend. " You sneak you had me worried something was wrong!" I lightly punched her arm while I smiled. I soon finished packing and we were ready to leave for Draehr Sanuwae. Climbing onto our dragons we said our last farewells to the other elves and flew into the sky.  

Dragon Keeper Series The Time to be Renewed Book 2Where stories live. Discover now