Chapter 9

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  When Amy awoke it looked to be about midday. She sat up blinking her eyes to clear them. When they were no longer blurry she looked around for the others seeing them still asleep. Then everything came crashing down on her as to what happened. She groaned at the memories. She stood up and walked to Liz to wake her up so they could figure out what to do to save Toby. Shaking her awake she sits and waits for her to fully awake. "What? Why'd you wake me up?""I woke you up because we need to figure out how we're going to help Toby." Liz nods her head in agreement."Where do we start?""I don't know. But there's something that has been puzzling me. When the Hunters attacked there was one that looked familiar. I was thinking about it last night before I fell asleep. I realized that the reason for him looking familiar was because he was a Rataran. When I first encountered Rataero he was the one that had tied me up and thrown me against a brown dragon. I'm assuming that the brown dragon was his. So with that in mind the puzzling piece is that are the Hunters working for Rataero or are the Ratarans working for the Hunters. Which of the Ratarans were working for the Hunters then this means they have dragons. We need to be careful now in the sky and on the ground." Liz is silent for awhile and then a year slides down her cheek."Liz? Hey what's wrong?" I ask putting my hand on her shoulder."This is my fault. They took Toby and all the other angels because of me. .""Liz it's not your fault. It's your parents fault. Whatever the reason they're chasing you it's because of your parents not you. We'll find Toby.""But I don't want any of y'all getting hurt because of me." She says as she stands and backs away slowly. I rolled my eyes at her."Liz. You're telling this to a Dragon Keeper who has a dragon, controls fire, and is on a quest to save dragons from an evil king. Not to mention fight that evil king.""You haven't seen what the Hunters are capable of. It would be best for all of us if I just turned myself in.""Liz no. You are not turning yourself in to them. Tatiana has risked her life to help keep you safe.""And do you see what's happened to her. She's hurt because of me. I don't want anyone else to get hurt or worse. I'm sorry but I have to." She then starts glowing and then she's gone."Liz!""Don't worry about her." A deep voice says from the shadows behind me. I freeze and slowly look around for the voice."Who's there?" A boy that appears to be around my age with brown hair comes out from the shadows."I'm Taehyung, but you can call me Tae.""Where did you come from?" I ask hesitantly ready to fight."I came from the same place that Liz came from. And she's also not going to get far.""What?" I ask confused."She teleported.""She teleported?""Yes. And I can go get her. She's about a mile off on the woods towards the east.""But she doesn't want to be around us. She thinks that it would be best to turn herself in.""Which is exactly why we need to be with her. She will probably be asleep.""Why would she be asleep?""She's not used to teleporting."He starts walking off in the direction of Liz. I watched him confused as to what just happened."You coming?""Oh. What?""Are you coming to find Liz."Yeah." I pulled myself together and followed him."So how long have you known Liz?""I've known her since..." I was trying to think but I couldn't with him looking at me. "We should be getting close to her. So keep a look out for her." We both start to look around for her. He starts jogging off in a different direction than before."Where are you going?""She started walking a few minutes ago. So we need to catch her before she gets to far." He grabs my hand and starts dragging me causing me to stumble but I became accustomed to his pace. After a few minutes he stops abruptly causing me to crash into him. He says a quick sorry to me and walks towards Liz and stops her from going any further. As soon as he touches her Liz passes out."What did you do to her?" I asked worried and cautious of him."I knocked her out so she wouldn't fight us and she also needs to rest from teleporting.""But what about when she wakes up? She doesn't want to be around us. She might try and run away.""Don't worry I won't let her." I turned around and headed back to camp. He jogged to catch up with me with Liz in his arms."You don't trust me do you?" He asks. "Well you did appear out of nowhere.""What can I do to make you trust me?" I shrug my shoulders at him. "I don't know.""Aww. Come on there's gotta be something." I look at him stopping in my tracks."You wo t give up will you?""Nope." He says smiling. A faint smile catches on my face as I look at him. My cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. "Are you blushing?" He asks smiling at me. "Pfft. Noo. What makes you think that?""Because you are.""No I'm not. It must be the weather." "Yep. Totally the weather."He laughs lightly."Whatever you say." I roll my eyes at him while muttering to myself."What was that?" He asks smirking at me."What was what?" I ask him innocently while I blush even more. After a few minutes more walk and silence he speaks suddenly. "We're here." He sets Liz down next to a rock and sits next to her while I go get Tatiana and the dragons. Once I came back I set Tatiana down next to Liz. "You never did tell me how you met Liz and how long you've known her." He asks as I sit down and close my eyes. "I met her while walking through the forest. I don't know really the exact time slot of knowing her I've never thought about it." "So who's this?" He asks indicating to Tatiana."This is Tatiana. She's a Dragon Keeper as well. Her element is nature and the green dragon is hers.""Hmm. Well if you want you can get some sleep and I'll take the first shift.""Are you sure? You're not tired?""No I'm fine. Go to sleep.""Then again I don't know how well I can trust you." I say teasingly.""Well I can tell a lie so if I do then it feels like my wings are being pulled on.""Wait you still have your wings?" He nods his head."But I thought you were a fallen angel like Liz and Toby.""No I came down if my own free will. I like to come down here to Earth. It's a lot prettier and the sunsets are way better." He says leaning back. "What's it like up there?" He looks at her."Boring.""How can a place full of angels be boring? I would've that that it'd be cool to see people flying around." He laughs flatly."It's not as amazing as people think it is. Maybe it is at first but not forever. But the flying is amazing. You would know since you have a dragon. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly without your dragon?""No. Not really because I know that she'll always be there for me no matter what." He nods his head. "What's it like flying with nothing under you?""I really don't know how to describe it. It's kinda difficult to describe.""Well try." Amy says as she turns her body to face him and puts her hands under her chin."" Well it's like swimming with no water and the feeling is amazing its like your actually touching freedom.""Wow that's deep." He laughs."Life is deep.""Ooh now that's even deeper." He laughs even more causing me to smile and blush more. Suddenly he gets an idea."Stand up." He tells me and I look at him confused."What?" I ask as I stand up. He starts to pull his shirt off revealing two deep scars that run along his back and pulls me close to him. He wraps his arms around me causing me to blush even more at the touch of his skin."Do you trust me?"He asks as I stutter for words."Yes." I say finally finding the word."Close you eyes." He says smiling."C..close my eyes? Why?" I ask as I slowly close my eyes."Just trust me." Tae says as his wings unfurl from his back and they start rising off the ground. He flies till they're above the trees and stops. "Open your eyes." I open my eyes and gasp as I look down seeing how high up we are. "How do you feel?" He asks as he smiles at my reaction. "Amazing! This is awesome Tae! It's definitely different from flying on a dragon." He flaps his white wings flying us around in a circle. He looks over my shoulder and smiles bigger. "Look behind you." I look over my shoulder to see what he's talking about and find the sun setting and shining multiple colors through the sky. "It's beautiful." I say as he starts to lower us to the ground. "Have you ever ridden a dragon before?" I ask as we touch ground. "Nope.""Well then come on!" I say as I drag him over to Scarlet and jump on. "Whoa whoa whoa." He says shaking his head as he backs up away from Scarlet. I look at him confused. "What's wrong? Don't you want to know what it's like to ride a dragon?" He scratches his head nervously. "Well.... see I'm kinda scared of dragons." "Oh come on they're not bad. They're quite nice. Come here. I'll show you." I say as I jump down and scratch her head. I hold out my hand to him. He's cautious at first but he takes my hand and I place it on Scarlet's head. "See. It's okay. It just depends on how the dragon was raised that affects they're personalities. Tae smiles as he pets her head and she closes her eyes letting out a quiet growl. He moves his hand away quickly and scarlet opens her eyes and lifts her head."It's okay. She's happy. It's like how a kitten purrs when they're happy except she's a dragon." "That wasn't a purr.""Well you can't expect a dragon purr like a cat. It's fine though. Now let's go for a ride now that you know she's not dangerous." I climb on scarlet as Tae follows and sits behind me Scarlet snaps open her wings and flies into the sky. Tae hangs on to my waist to keep from falling and lays his chin on my head. The sun stats to set as we fly. "We shouldn't fly too far from camp." Tae says. "Yeah your right but it's so peaceful up here that j can forget all about my troubles." I say as Scarlet turns to head back to camp. "How long have you had Scarlet?" He asks as we fly over the camp in circles. "Ever since she hatched from her egg. Which really was only a few months ago. I guess you wouldn't be able to tell that she's only a few months because of her size." I say as I smile. "Yeah. She's so big you'd think she was a full grown dragon." He laughs lightly and I join him as we land in the camp.   

Dragon Keeper Series The Time to be Renewed Book 2Where stories live. Discover now