Chapter 6

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The Ratarans seeing their chance to run before the dragons come back climb on their dragons and jump into the sky and gather their stolen goods they fly back to the camp. Landing they carefully took the eggs and hid them carefully in then camp. Reining that their cover had been blown they made sure to cover their camp well. Using the combined magic of the group they created a dark shadowy shroud to encircle the camp and cover them from the dragons. Finishing that they lie around a fire just in time as a fleet of dragons fly over the camp seeing only darkness. The brown dragon had been watching carefully as a black dragon had flown over the camp. She had been nervous as it flew over for it was the King of Dragons and was able to detect anything from animals to magic. Apparently though they had been able to fool the King for the first time in history. She relaxed as he passed by and left them alone and turned to face the others. "Arana are you okay?""Yes Master I'm fine. It was just the black dragon that flew over.""Arana what about the black dragon? Why were you so worried along with the other dragons?" Arana hesitates and looks at the other dragons trying to catch their eyes but can't. "We were worried Master because that was the King of Dragons.""The King of Dragons hmmm? Well I guess we can add him to the list of items to take back ." He says as he turns around."After all our Master said to gather the strongest dragons possible. And what could be stronger than the King of Dragons himself?" He smiles darkly at the other Ratarans as their dragons shutter with unease at their task. Arana was at unease the most for she was raised by the King herself and knew everything about him. How is she supposed to complete this task. It was betrayal to the one who had raised her after her parents death during the Great Quake. She layed down on the ground thinking more on this as the dragons's Masters discussed the capture of their King. She eventually closed her eyes and fell into a troubled sleep of capturing her King and friend. She is awoken at dawn by her Master and is told of the and for the day. Getting up she flexes her wings on the confines space of camp. She is still troubled but there is nothing she or the other dragons can do for their King. Once a dragon has found their Master they can only obey the orders they are given though they do have a free will and mind of their own. They were going to go back down and try to capture the King. She had been hesitant when she heard this and all the other dragons were watching her for they knew that he had raised her. She didn't know of she could do this but she has to so she threw out her wings to get rid of her thoughts and leg her Master climb on and took flight into the cool morning air with the others trailing behind. They still has the shadowy cloud around them except now it was the color of the sky so they weren't noticeable. They passed over the area spying the ground and positions if dragons. The dragons had learned from last night and were now guarding the young dragons from us but we weren't going after them anymore. We were going after the King. One of the dragons a light blue flew up next to us and it appeared that our Masters were talking to each other. After talking they left and flew back to their flying position. "Arana?""Yes Master?""Is it true? Why didn't you tell me?""Is what true Master?""That you personally know the King?" My heart dropped the dragon must have told his Master. "Yes Master. It is true. He is the one that raised me after my parents died during the Great Quake.""We'll this is good news.""Good news Master? How is this good news?...."My heart dropped even more as I realized what he meant."Oh" That same smile from last night appeared again."Yes Arana you are going to lead us to the King and help us capture him. He trusts you after all.""Yes...Master." I had no choice now he has ordered me in his own way to capture my King and friend. We land next to a large rock formation that is the rock where all the dragons gather. This according to Master will not be difficult at all bit for for me it will be very difficult. Since we landed and are surrounded by dragons we are all to be speaking telepathically rather than verbally so as not to be heard by them. "Ariana show us the way to the King.""Yes Master." I choke on those words as I start walking. It feels like there is lead in my feet as we get closer to the hidden den of the King. I finally reach it after what feels like an eternity and halt in front of an area where there is nothing but grass and dirt."Arana? This is not a den. This is ground. Why haven't you taken us to his den.""I haves steer it is a den that is hidden and can be unlocked by only certain dragons: me, his mate who is dead, and his messenger." He sat there pondering my words. Finally he spoke. "Then he won't suspect a thing. We can use it as an advantage." He climbs off my back and gets on the back of the dragon behind us. "You are going to leave the group and double back to here and unlock the door so that its not suspicious looking. You'll then go in and half of us will follow while the other half guards the entrance." I dip my head in acknowledgment to afraid to speak. "Good now do it." I jump into the sky still covered by the shadowy cloud and fly off over the land until I reach the limit of the magic where I land and prepare myself for what I'm about to do. Garnering the air beneath my wings I flew once more towards Draehr Sanuwae. I glided over the camp and then eventually the dragons that where guarding the others and were instantly alert when I landed right in front of them. I bowed to them showing peace and respect as was the custom until one stepped forward and said to stand. I rose from the position and stood straight and proud to hide the nerves racing through my body."Who are you dragon? You know the ways of our customs yet I don't recognize you?""I am Arana. You do t recognize me for I have grown since you last saw me. I was I set the care of King." When I said his name everyone started to whispered to each other and then they bowed to me."Thank you . Now I wish to speak to King. May I go and speak to him?"""Yes Arana. You know the way I presume?""Yes I know it well. Thank you again." With that I left them behind me and walked to the hidden den where I knew my Master was waiting for me. I placed my foot on a patch of grass and a door opened beneath the ground. I turned around looking straight at my Master and entered the hole through the door with dragons following quickly behind me. It was just as I remembered it with the familiar stone passages and damp scent in the air. I followed the passage leading to his room and walked in and stopped as a towering figure stood above me growling."Who dares enter the den of the King. You are not my messenger so then who are you?""King it is me Arana.""Don't try to fool me. That dragonet died a long time ago." He growled."No I'm alive King. You raised me after the Great Quake after my parents death. I was taken by Rataero's minions and made to join them." He stopped growling at that moment and relaxed his huge form."Could it possibly be that my Arana is still alive? It's been too long. Come here my girl and tell me what that evil man has done to you." He lay against the wall and swept his mighty tail towards me and pulled me towards him. I looked up him and saw tears glistening at the edge of his black head as they rolled down his cheek. I put my head against his chest as tears started rolling my cheeks as well. Unknowingly to him my Master and the other dragons had been forming a circle around us as all of this happened. More years rolled down my cheek as I murmured, "I'm sorry." While at the same time o was telling my Master to do it now. I pulled away from him with my tears streaming like a river."What's wrong my girl? Tell me what troubles you." But all I could say to him was I'm sorry over and over again. At that moment they sprung into action throwing chains over his body as he jumped in surprise. He regained his thoughts quickly and started thrashing around trying to escape the chains but they were already wrapped tightly. I looked up as he fell down to the floor and I saw fear, betrayal, and sadness in his eyes. He had thrown a mighty roar into the air as he fell which shook the cavern. My Master had calmly walked over to me and tried to soothe me but failed in doing so as they bound his powerful snapping jaws in heavy chains. He looked so helpless now with all the chains lying around him binding him. He didn't look much like a King now. Master climbed aboard my back while the others hooked him up to their own dragons and we proceeded slowly through the passage with me in the lead once agin. We reached the entrance door and we were shrouded in the shadowy cloud once agin. As I opened the door. What I saw outside amazed me the dragons of Draehr Sanuwae were fighting our dragons outside the door. They didn't know what had happened but they knew something was working with their King. I stepped out of the door and launched myself into the blue sky. How could the sky be so blue when something like this had just happened? I thought of this as the rest of the group flew into the air struggling with his weight. When they were balanced we flew out of Draehr Samuwae. Shortly after the rest if the group joined us with multiple wounds but they were happy with their accomplishment. I lowered my eyes to where the he lay. His great big black body was limp from the shock and from fighting the chains that held him captive. We flew back to camp and landed heavily jarring his limp body. All of our Masters climbed off and constructed a cell with hooks everywhere to hold him in. They moved him in with the help of some of the other dragons and locked him in . We were all told to stay away from him but even so I couldn't leave him alone like that. I lied down next to the cold hard metal and fell into a troubled sleep. I woke often throughout the rest of the day and night and eventually couldn't sleep anymore. I watched him sleep throughout and eventually watched the sun rise. After returning and creating the cell Master had announced that we were going back to Rataero's kingdom. Slowly the camp started to stir and pack up everything for the journey back but still I lay there. Finally it was time to go and our Masters came over and pulled him from the cage that disappeared once he was put. Somebody had already gathered the eggs and put them safely in pouches on a dragon. When we were ready we all flew into the sky at the same time all of us were now carrying the weight of him...including me. It was a struggle to carry him but we all pursued and it wasn't long before we were flying over a forest. Suddenly though one of the dragons stopped causing us to halt unsteadily. We all turned to face the pair who seems to be saying something to us but couldn't be heard over the wind. Finally she gave up and td us telepathically that below us there was an earthen elementalist structure. So of course we all looked down and there it was a green dome made if trees and other plants. It was decided that we would go and explore it and see how it was made and who made it. We flew through the trees and landed outside the dome. Our Masters went around the the done looming for an entrance but none found one so my Master poked a hand through creating a joke in the wall. Suddenly he didn't seem the same as before he had taken on a rough jars voice and was speaking to someone inside the dome. He then made the hole bigger along with the other Masters who were following his movements. I did catch what he said at one point though and was saying something about how somebody already knew who they were.

Dragon Keeper Series The Time to be Renewed Book 2Where stories live. Discover now