Chapter 3 | I Become Anna 2.0

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Chapter 3


"Fine." I muttered. I slowly got up, wincing at the bruises already forming. He chuckled lightly. I could feel the world getting blurry. Then they disappeared, and I felt cool drops of water fall on my face.

"At that rate, it'll be sundown by the time your up. Come on." He had a southern twang in his voice, worn down quite a bit. The 'New Kid', as I had dubbed him, held out his hand. Did I trust him? I looked into his eyes. They softened a bit. "Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you." After silently debating, included with lots of di immortals, I slowly took his hand. He gently pulled me up, and let me hold onto his shoulder. "Here. I'll take you to the nurse's office."

"No!" I almost yelled. I started to panic. "Going there meant people would notice me. That would mean they would ask questions, and-" He laughed lightly.

"Ok, ok. I get it. Not a fan of old ladies." He looked at me. He had brown eyes, but I found hints of green in them. " So... where do we go? You gotta treat those bruises." He slightly winced. "They'll get infected." I looked over to the huge wooden doors that led to the library.

"Walk to the doors over there." As we hobbled- no I hobbled over, I managed to let go of him and limp to the huge wooden doors that were, at the moment, closed.

"So, even though I'm new here, I'm pretty sure that's the library." I rolled my eyes.

"Gee Sherlock, I never thought of that. Because even though I've been going here since I was 5, I don't know the difference between a library and a secret hideout." I claimed sarcastically.

"Ok then. This one's feisty too." I felt my cheeks heat up, but I covered it with my hair.

"Anyway, back to the point. Before I show you where we're about to go, I need some answers." I listed them off. "Who are you, why are you helping me, and are you fine with ditching class?" He held his hands up.

"Whoa there, detective. First, my name's Mason. I'm helping you because I can-"

"That's not a valid reason."

"Whatever. And why should I ditch class? I still value my education."

"I'll tutor you. Simple." He scoffed.

"You? Tutor me? Please." I looked him in the eye, managing not to blush.

"I've been doing this for 7 years, 10 times minimum per week.. I've gotten nothing but A's." I threw my hands up. "Do the math! That's roughly 160 days a year. 1,120 days." I crossed my arms. "Are you coming or not?" He sighed.

"Won't the teachers notice we're gone?" He smirked. "How are you going to get out of that one?"

"They won't. If someone isn't here on the first day, they assume that they aren't coming that week. And they do that the next week, and so on. The teachers are really forgetful." Before he could say another word, I quickly added "And I hacked the system so it's like we're always here."

"Woah." He muttered in awe. I smirked this time. I came to my senses. What the heck, Ray! You don't even know this kid, he'll probably stab you in the heart, and your taking him to your sanctuary? Smooth. Way to start a relationship. No, not a lovey-dovey relationship. A friend type of relationship. I quickly realized that either this could go amazingly, or I could be left in the dust.

He must have read my mind, because he asked me "How can you even trust me?" I wasn't even sure myself.

"I don't know, instincts? I just have a feeling."

"So you're madly in love with me."

"Shut up. So, are you coming or not?"

He hesitated, then took my hand. As we opened the doors, I realized with a start that I had a friend.

A friend. Sure, it was a weird start, but hey, at least I have one person who won't kill me.

"I think you're madly in love with me."

"Shut up, or I'll slice your head off."

"Is that even legal?"

Hope you caught the fandom references! Thanks for reading!


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