Chapter 6 | Ray Wars: The Barbie Strikes Back

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Dang, this girl with her sassitude. 

We were walking over to lunch. She was humming something under her breath, but I could barely distinguish it. I didn't bother asking what it was, so we were silent the whole time. Before we walked in, Ray stopped. 

"I'll wait out here." She said. "I don't have the best reputation in there." I nodded and went in. Thing immediately started to go wrong. 

Everyone had their own little cliques. The jocks, pops, nerds, theaters, artsies, and cheers. And yes, there was an empty table that I swear had the words 'New Kid Table'. It practically had my name on it. Nobody really noticed me. I walked over to the line, got my food, and started heading out the door. Cue stuff going down. 

"Hey, sweet pea." I froze. "You look a little lost. Why don't you sit with us?" Oh no. 

I turned slowly and found myself staring at Chloe. "Umm..." I stammered. She batted her eyelashes. The lunchroom was silent. "I'll pass. I have to- um- st- study for a test?" It came out like a question. 

"Aww." Everyone was silent. "You're nervous. Come on." She tugged on my arm, but I pulled away.

"I'll pass. My mom expects good grades." I started walking toward the doors. Everyone had begun whispering. Was it that big of a deal?

"Is this because of that excuse for a girl?" Chloe snarled a bit. I hope it wouldn't have come to this. 

Wait... What?

"What are you talking about?" 

"Oh," Chloe went up to me. "I think you know exactly who I'm talking about." I was silent, so Chloe went on. "Her drab clothes, her weird hair, and her attitude! Ugh, she's so annoying."

I was quiet again.

"She's a pathetic wannabe who has no money, no life, and no family, much less no money. And as we all know," She whispered this part into my ear. "Isn't money power?"  The room was quiet. "Ray. What a pathetic name. It leaves a nasty taste in your mouth. Just like her choice of style." She was talking to her lunch group. They all giggled.

"Yeah, what a poor orphan." One said.

"And her hair... ugh!" Chloe flipped her Barbie hair. "I wish someone would do it for her. It's too bad she has nothing and nobody likes to do charity around here."

"Yeah, her hair is, like, even worse than Medusa!" Another with a squeaky voice said.

Everyone laughed. 

"She has such a terrible name!"

"I'll bet she wishes she was popular!"

"What an ugly, fat, idiot!" 

"I'm a who?" I thinkith thisth willith be badth. 

There stood, in all her purple haired glory, Ray.

"Yeah, I dare you to repeat that." She looked at everyone with her brown eyes.

"You're a big, fat, ugly, nerdy, annoying idiot," Chloe spoke, her voice ringing throughout the room. "You're just a stupid idiot who can't seem to take no and a few punches for an answer to stop, and just go."

"And you didn't even notice you used the same word twice." Chloe's eyes flared, and she slapped her across the face.

"Do describe you better my dear!" She grabbed her collar and vigorously shook her. "Don't you get it? Nobody will ever like you, help you, or even notice you!" Tasha and Sabrina took this as a sign and rose. What did you get into?

Tasha had the honor of going first. She decided to go for her brain. She stuck her head twice, then practically tossed her over to Sabrina. Sabrina kicked, punched, and even spat on poor Ray. Finally, Chloe spoke. 

"That's enough. Your mani's are going to get ruined." They stepped away. On cue, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. People stampeded out, stepping all over Ray. 

"Ray." I called her name. She didn't respond. "Ray!" The crowd cleared out, and I saw Ray slumped on the floor, hair sprawled around her. I tried shaking her awake, but she stayed there. "Ray. Please." She didn't move. "Styx, why am I so useless!" I almost threw my fist on the floor, but I didn't have the strength. 

I just watched someone die. Or faint. I don't know.

"Did I scare you?" A voice said. Ray's eyes were slightly opened. 

"Not really. I always knew I was the better actor."

"And I used to be popular. Come on, around don't heal themselves."

"Unless you're a demigod."

"Which you aren't."

Hey... I'm back... Alive...

Sorry guise. I hope you weren't... mauled by a lion...?


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