Chapter 14 | Ambulance

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"It's too late to apologize."
-One Republic, Apologize


I ran out of the room, my thoughts in a jumble. I was now sprinting up to the tower where Ray and I usually hung out. The door opened slowly. 

Come on. Come on...

I ran into the room and threw my bag on the floor. "Ray!" I called her name and it echoed a bit. "Ray?" I did a quick 360 around the room. Poki was pawing at the window. He looked at me and whimpered. Poki trotted over and poked his nose at the table leg. I looked at it and saw a speaker with an iPod plugged into it. I quickly turned it on and hit play.

"My name is Ray. And no, this isn't 13 Reasons Why. But I am leaving. For good. I want to forgive everyone who has done harm to me and apologize to everyone whom I have harmed. I'm sorry, and I hope you'll do better without me." A tear slid down my throat, but Ray went on. "I'm taking the next train out. I hope you'll remember me in a good way, or forget me." I slid onto the floor. 

"Goodbye." She spoke for the last time. 

All was silent for a moment. There were no sounds. "This isn't goodbye," I spoke to nobody in particular. I heard Poki whimpering under the table. She came up to me and put her head against my leg. I thought back to what Ray had said earlier. She's talking the nearest train out. 

I felt a cool breeze and looked out to see a window open. A bush was flattened and footsteps were leading away from the school. "Poki, shall we go?" I picked her up. She looked at me, her tail wagging. "All right." "Here we go." I looked at Poki.

I took a breath.

And jumped.


I ran to the station as fast as I could. I ended up near the tracks when the snow started getting harder. A snow tornado? I thought in my head. The weather man was saying that the snow would be really bad tomorrow. School could've been canceled, bit it hadn't started to snow until 1st period. The footsteps were disappearing with each step. I heard a faint train whistle in the background. There was a line of trees between the tracks and where the footsteps led. My fingers were starting to go numb, but before I could think about it, I saw a faint outline of a person. Poki yapped. 

"Ray!" The figure turned. "Is that you?" 

"Mason?" The now-known person stopped moving. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry!" I went closer to her. I could see her face. "I wish I could take everything back. I don't know what I was thinking when I agreed to do Chloe's bidding. Please, I'm sorry." 

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Mason. Of all people, you should know that." She yelled over the wind. "The words have been said, and the damage has been done." 

"Ray Queen! Don't you get it?" I ran up to her and screamed. "I'm sorry for everything I've done!" I grabbed her hand. "If I could do anything to take back what I said, or to make you feel better, I would do it in a heartbeat!"


"Ray, I really, really like you!" And with a split second decision,

I kissed her. 


The wind was even louder now. A warning. A huge wall of snow was seen in the distance. 

"Ray, we have to get out of here," Mason spoke. "There's a-"

"A snowstorm, I know." Ray looked left and right. "We have to find shelter." She looked around and walked a bit. Mason did too, looking through the trees and glancing back at the snow, which was coming closer than ever. 

"Ray," Mason spoke. "Ray!" The snow was seconds away from pummeling them. Mason ran up to Ray and tackled her. 

The force of the snow lifted the two off the ground and pushed them straight through the line of trees. A train was screeching by. Mason tried to stop them before they could hit the train, but he was too late. 

They hit the train with full force- not that it did anything to the train, but it threw them back toward the trees. 

"Ray!" Mason screamed. He looked over at her. Blood was gushing from her head and leg. "Oh my god..." 

"Hello?" Another voice was calling out. "Is anyone there?" Mr. Marcus?

"Marcus..?" The world was going dizzy for Mason. "Is... that you..."

"Hold on, kid!" The secretary yelled. "Keep talking!"

"In the trees..." Mason's world was going black. "Ray..." 

He slumped down. Mr.Marcus caught sight of the two and fell on his knees. "Oh, Lord... Officer! They're over here!" He broke the branches. "We're going to need an ambulance. I'm calling one!" Marcus pulled out his phone. "Hello? Yes, we have and emergency. We need an ambulance right away."

Hashtag 2nd to last chapter. Hurrah!

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