The Best Friend

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[Marenka’s  POV]

I went to my best friend’s house the next day. I needed to see him, I was desperate for his advice. Is this the best thing to do? Should I confide in him? Will he betray me? Those questions ran through my head all day. I didn’t know if it was the best choice, but I had to take the change. He was my best friend after all..

[Kevin’s POV]

Finally the doorbell rang! I was so excited to see Marenka again. It’s been such a long time since we last talked. I wish I wasn’t that busy with my research. Oh wait! Shit, almost forgot the doorbell!

“Hi Kevin”, she said with a hint of cheerfulness. I hugged her in response, I had really missed her presence. “it’s been too long.”, I said. “Well come in! Do you want something to drink or do you want something to eat? You know what, I’ll just get you your favourite like always!” I almost ran into the kitchen.

[Marenka’s POV]

I’m so happy to see him again and luckily he seems to share the same feeling. Sigh.. I’m so going to ruin his mood. Oh, he’s back again. he put our drinks down and walked back into the kitchen again, probably getting some food. He is always hungry. He came back out with a bowl full of m&m’s.

After some minutes, which turned out to be a full hour, of small talk I remembered again why I was here. “Kev.” “Yeah? Oh, what’s up Marenka, you look really troubled.” “Well, I am.. I have something to tell you and it’s big, really big.” “Tell me..”, he said with a worried expression on his face.

***four hours later***

Kevin's reaction scared me.. He had acted so weird after I told him ny secret. All of a sudden he acted so formal, so unlike him. It was weird and I was worried once again. Now not about my own situation, but about him.

I picked Charleen up at a friend´s house. It was 6 o´clock , time for dinner. “Shall we go to Ikea for dinner?”, I asked her. She suddenly became very excited, she loved the food at Ikea’s. “Yes! I love Ikea! The food is so good! Thank you mommy!”, she said, almost screamed, in her high pitched voice.

 I looked in my rear-view mirror and I saw someone, Chris Walls! Is he following me? 

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