The End?

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And at that moment realisation hit. I had to protect my daughter, whatever it might take. People will try to eliminate her. I have to tell her what she is and what people will want from her. I'm going to have to teach her to wield her powers in a good way or she might hurt herself. I was full of worry and anger. Why my little girl, she’s only thirteen! I don’t want her to be involved in this world. This treacherous world of mine.

“I can help you train your daughter, if you want the help?”, Chris suddenly said, taking me out of my internal struggle. "Why do you want to help me? We don't even know each other that well." “I’ve got a feeling we’ve met before, a long time ago. There it was again, that feeling that I've met him before. He had it too. And I know how you feel about your daughter, the protectiveness. I’ve got it with my son too.” So he has a son, I didn’t expect that. He just doesn’t seem like the fatherly type, but whatever.

“WATCH OUT MARENKA!”, he suddenly screamed and he jumped in front of me. Something hit him in the stomach. I ran over to him and I saw that it was a knife. I knew then that it was meant for me and wherever I would go from now on I would have to look over my shoulder everywhere I go. “CHRIS! Chris, stay with me! You’re going to survive this.” I was in full no-emotions mode now. I was doing everything I could to keep him alive, simultaneously putting protective wards around us so I could focus on Chris’ wounds.  Okay what to do first? Oh yes remove the knife. “Chris?” “Yeah?”, he said with an almost inaudible voice. I knew he was fading into oblivion fast. “I’m going to remove the knife now, this will hurt.” He screamed , his voice full of pain, but then it went quiet...

 sorry guys this is a really short chapter with a crappy ending, but it is really late.. i will make it longer tomorrow or another day GOOODDBYYEEE

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