The Organisation

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*** three days later***

[Kevin’s POV]

I was still processing what Marenka had told me a few days ago. I just couldn’t grasp what she had said to me. Was it really true? Could it even be true? If it is.. I can’t be friends with her anymore… And I can’t handle that.. lately I have had a feeling that I feel something more for her than just friends.. I think.. I think I love her! But I can’t.. they won’t allow it.. if I tell them her secret, I will have to eliminate her..

[Marenka’s POV]

Charleen and I went out that night to go see a movie. She needed the distraction as much as I did. She picked the movie, it was a children’s movie, named Frozen.

***at the organisation***

[Kevin’s POV]

“Agent Kevin, we have a case for you to look at and you are not going to like it.”, the head of the organisation, also known as my mother, said to me. The organisation for magical people and mischiefs. “you have to eliminate the daughter of Marenka Mizuroth. If she isn’t eliminated before her 11th birthday then the world will cease to exist as we know it.” I panicked. Charleen was one of the most fun persons I’ve ever met. Even though she is only 13 years old. I remember the times that I had to babysit her. She’s always so cheerful.  My mom took me out of my internal struggle. “Agent Kevin, will you take this job?” I didn’t want to, but if I didn’t take it then somebody else would and that would make matters worse. Maybe I can come up with a plan to save Charleen. “Yes I will.”

*** at Marenka’s house***

 [Marenka’s POV]

Something weird was happening to my daughter as Chris suspected. I need to see him again. Maybe he can give me some answers. So I called Chris and asked if we could meet again. “Hello?” “Hi, this is Marenka, can we meet again sometime? The things you predicted, they’re happening…” “Okay, so I was right. Well let’s meet again tonight at half past eight. I have to tell you something about a prophecy.” And he hang up. “Charleen?”, I said. “Yes mommy, what is it?” “You have to stay at the neighbour’s house again tonight sweetie. I’ll come and pick you up after I met with Kevin, okay?” I didn’t like lying to Charleen, but it had to be done, for her safety. “Okay mommy, but why can’t I come with you? I love Uncle Kevin!” “Charleen, if you would go with me to uncle Kevin, you would be very bored. We have to discuss grown-up stuff.” “Okay Mom, I’ll go to the neighbours.”

***a few minutes later***

I dropped Charleen off at the neighbour’s house and I drove to the alleyway I had met Chris Walls for the first time. I was a bit late and when I arrived he was already there. “Chris?” “Yes dearie?” “What prophecy are you talking about and why does it involve my daughter?” “Do you really want to know?” “Yes, I am very sure that I want to know the prophecy.”  I had to know it for my own and my daughters sake. “Well then this is the oh so feared prophecy: ‘When a child is born in the Mizuroth family on the 26th of March, she, at the age of fifteen, and her mother will change the world forever. For she is the spawn of the greatest witch and shadow hunter, her mother…’”. 

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