Time for school

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[Marenka’s POV]

I didn’t understand why Chris had called me and said that Kevin was dangerous. I’ve known him my whole life for god’s sake! Why does he suddenly call me and say something like that?! Anyway I’m going to Kevin tomorrow. Charleen will be at school tomorrow so nothing can go possibly wrong.

***the next day***

[Charleen’s POV]

Yay the vacation is over and now it’s time for school again. I was kinda looking forward to seeing everyone again. it’s been so long and I was bored almost the whole vacation, until well  you know what happened.  I took a quick shower and then I went down to pack my lunch. After that my mom drove me to school. I walked up to the great doors of the school and I was immediately greeted by my friends. They all hugged me and asked me all sorts of useless questions, like how was your vacation? And did you meet any cute boys?


That’s the bell, time for my first lesson of the day, Latin. I’m actually a really geeky girl. I love to read and to play videogames. I like school sometimes. And I have a secret crush, but that’ll never work, he doesn’t even notice me. So yeah, basic teenager life.

My Latin teacher was telling some story about Hannibal how he almost conquered Rome, but then he failed. What an idiot that Hannibal guy is, he failed to conquer Rome because he was afraid. So I drifted off into a daydream. I dreamed about fulfilling my part in that weird prophecy. What would it be like to use magic and actually know what you’re doing? I thought to myself.

“Miss Mizuroth, how did the Romans defeat Hannibal?”,  my Latin teacher, Mr Ross asked me.  Shit, I think he noticed that I wasn’t paying attention!  “Uh.. uh.. I don’t know” “of course you don’t, because you weren’t paying attention. That’ll be one hour of detention Charleen. You will be here at the end of the day in front of my classroom.”

***lunch time*** 


Yess! Lunch time! oh my god, I’m so super hungry! I could eat a horse. “Charleen! Over here, we’ve saved you a seat!”, my friends called out to me. So I picked up my lunch and went over to their table.  “How was your Latin lesson?”, my best friend Tris asked me – she doesn’t follow Greek and Latin classes, so she mostly asks what happened during those lessons.  “It sucked, I was daydreaming during class and now I need to go to detention.”

We talked and stuff for the rest of the break. Nothing to special. Tris nudged me a few times when my crush walked past our table.


 And there was the bell again. Time for my next lesson,  music. YAY, I hope we’re going to sing again this lesson...

*** at the end of the day***

Time for detention with Mr Ross. I waited outside his classroom until he called for me to enter the classroom. “Hello miss Mizuroth, I hope you’re ready for detention, because I’ve got some fun work for you to do. You will write these three pages over from the textbook and when you’re done there is more.”, my teacher said. So I started on writing those pages, but when I was busy doing that, I noticed something strange about the behaviour of Mr Ross. It seemed like he was not himself. “Mr Ross, is everything okay?” “Are you the child of the prophecy?”, Mr Ross said with a demonic voice that was very unlike him. He started to morph into something, I couldn’t determine what it was exactly. He looked like something from the Greek mythology and it creeped me out.  “Are you the child of the prophecy?!”, he screamed at me with that demonic voice. Then he jumped from his desk towards me. I screamed and something happened inside me. My heart started pumping and I put my hands towards that demonic creature, that should be Mr Ross. A jet of red light shot out of my hands and words came out of my mouth that were unfamiliar to me. Then Mr Ross was gone…

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2014 ⏰

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