Questions answered?

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***An hour later***

[Marenka’s POV]

We were at home again and I had told Charleen everything about the prophecy. Charleen asked me some more questions and I answered them hoping she would understand why I had hidden this from her all this time.

[Charleen’s POV]

I was absolutely mad! How could she not have told me this?! I’m her daughter for god’s sake!  I stormed up the stairs, went into my room and I slammed the door. I had to think about what my mum had told me. I am the child of the prophecy and some people think that I will destroy the world as we know it, but I won’t! I’m not an evil person!

[Marenka’s POV]

Charleen stormed up the stairs, clearly she was angry at me for hiding this for so long. Well I don’t blame her, I would’ve done the same I guess.

I felt relieved, this was such a big burden laying on my shoulders. I’m kind of glad I could finally tell her.  So I started doing the basic chores of the day, and since I didn’t have to hide my magic anymore in the house, I used magic to help me do the chores. Magic makes everything better, when used in a good way of course.  I remembered the stories my grandpa had always told me about the Dark Days. Magic was used for evil in that time and a lot of wars were fought, taking away almost everything from the peoples ordinary lives. This prophecy reminded me about those stories. I just hoped it wouldn’t turn out to be like those Dark Days..

[Charleen’s POV]

I was confused and I didn’t know what to do next. I wanted to talk to my mum again, but I think she would scold me for storming up the stairs and slamming the door.

I decided to do my homework, because in between all this craziness I still had to go to school and do my boring schoolwork. I had to make geography – ugh I hate that subject so much – and I had to deliver a paper for English. well let’s get started. At least it isn’t that much.

[Kevin’s POV]

I had to call Marenka. I haven’t seen her for so long. I want to meet with her again. She is the most awesome person I’ve ever met in my life. I dialled her number, after three rings she picked up her phone. “Hi Kevin! How are you? I haven’t spoken to you in such a long time”, she said. “Hi Marenka, I’m fine, but it’s so busy at work that I haven’t had time to meet up with you or anything.”  If she only knew that my work was really the organisation and that I had to eliminate her daughter.. “Shall we meet up tomorrow? I’ve got a day off then.” “Yeah, sure. I can’t wait!”, she said, her voice full of excitement.

[Marenka's POV]

‘Unknown number calling’. Hmm this is weird, who could it be? I picked up the phone. “Hello, who am I speaking to?” “Marenka, this is Chris Walls, DO NOT thrust Kevin, he can’t be trusted. If you leave Charleen alone tomorrow, there’ll be no prophecy!”

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