Chapter 3 - forgotten me

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It's been a week since we first arrived at our new house. It's an old creaky house, that smells of pee, it has an upstairs with 3 other bedrooms. The stairs are so old that when i walked up them they broke, of course mum and dad got me into trouble. I'm definitely not going to get used to this stupid house. Why would my parents choose this one? Out of all the houses, this one? But on the bright sides of things, i was fast enough to take the biggest bedroom, before my brothers could take it. They have to sleep in a small room, with 2 beds cramped together. That's what happens when you bug me on a 7 hour car drive.

I sit on my bay window seat, reading the Hunger Games. I love the Hunger Games, when i read it, it feels like i'm actually in the book, fighting for my life. Katniss' life is so interesting, full of adventure. I wish one day my life could be as bold and reckless as Katniss'.

"Jessy, dinner!" i hear mum from down stairs.

I roll my eyes and drag myself out of my bay window seat. I still haven't had a talk with Mum and Dad yet. It's just awkward now.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, no one's on the table yet. I sit down and hold my head in my hands. Mum places roast and a bowl of salad on the table. Dad sits opposite me, we stare at each other for a while, not saying a word. Until Dad breaks the silents.

"Jessy" he sighs. "I know this might sound irrelevant right now, but me and your mother have enrolled you into a school." he says placing his elbows on the table.

See what i mean? My parents didn't ask me which school i wanted to go to. Before i could say a word, Dad cuts me off.

"Now, Jessy, before you start arguing with me, there's only one school in this town, so you can't complain." he says, trying to keep his cool.

I close my mouth and sit back on my chair, he has a point. I shouldn't complain. I nod. "okay".

Dad smiles. "i know we are going down hard on you, me and your mum just wants to see our child become successful."

"what about Liam and Noah?" I say twirling my fork through my fingers.

"Their not at that age yet, you'll see, we'll push them too. All we want is for our children to have a happy future" mum says, putting roast on my plate.

I give them a slight smile. "I'm sorry" you whisper.

"it's okay, we all make mistakes." Dad says chewing his salad.

"boys!" mum calls.

Liam and Noah rush in the kitchen and sit on their seats. Their both so disgusting, they eat like cows.

"maybe try eating with your mouths closed" i say.

They both smirk at each other, "did you say, eat with you mouths open?" Liam smirks.

"no i said closed"

"open?" Noah asks


"wait, Noah she said open"

"omg no!" their so annoying

"closed?" Liam says

"no, i mean..." i stutter

"okay then" Liam smiles. They both open their mouths for all the world to see the chewed up food thats in there. They both laugh, trying not to get choked by the food still in their mouths. Their the biggest pieces of shit i have ever lived with, i wonder how they act around their friends.

"omg, i feel sick!" i say, covering my eyes.

"Liam, Noah, stop it or no desert" Dad angrily

"no desert? Noah stop" Liam says swallowing his food. Noah looks startled and closes his mouth. They sure love mum's cream caramel.

I have come to a conclusion that I'm just going to have to deal with the things my parents want me to do. I understand now that they aren't just pushing me for no reason, they are pushing me for my future. I feel relieved that i can talk to them without feeling angry anymore.

< 🥀 >

I open my mac book, Andrea told me that i could call her tonight. I can't wait to talk to her again, it's like i haven't communicated with real humans in so long, because clearly my brothers aren't human, they are part dog part pig.

I open up skype and call Andrea, it loads for a while until she picks up. My face lightens up.

"Andrea!" i say with a massive smile on my face.

"Omg Jessy, what's up hoe!" she laughs

"nothing much, just you know, having another conversation with my parents" I sigh.

"Aww, not another one" she laughs. "How's the house?" she asks munching into a bag of crisps.

"Agh, don't get me started on this house. I already hate it" I say rolling on my back.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Oi stop, give em' back!" Andrea laughs. You hear someone else in the room.

"who's that?" I ask, rolling back on my belly.

"who's she?" a girl asks. I see the girl sit on the other side of Andrea's bed.

"Oh, Jessy this is Tiana, Tiana this is Jessy" Andrea introduces.

"Hi" Tiana smiles. She has straight, beach blonde hair, blue eyes, snow white skin and a perfect smile. Totally different to Andrea and I. Andrea has dark brown frizzy hair, big brown eyes and freckles. I have wavy brown (well now purple) hair, hazel brown eyes and tan skin. Why would she be hanging out with her?

"Tiana's the new girl at school and I invited her over for a sleepover" Andrea smiles.

"Oh, that's, cool" i say. I can't help but feel a tiny bit jealous.

"I've heard a lot about you" Tiana says.

"Really?" i ask looking at her. She seems a little odd to me.

"Oh, ha, i think my mum wants me, i'll talk to you soon" i smile.

"oh, okay, bye Jessy" Andrea smiles.

Without saying goodbye, i close the tab and shut my the lid. I'm so confused, Andrea moved on so fast. Or maybe thats just me over reacting, she's that type of person, she nice. But, I feel like she's forgotten me.

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