Chaptet Thirteen

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Jax rushed to Pipers side and threw his arms around her and kissing her, missing the feeling of a kiss being returned

"Who's Abby Jax?" Piper asked

"There was a mishap when Dr J did the ultrasound" Jax said

"So now we have a girl?" Piper asked trying to fix her matter hair

"Yes she's beautiful" Jax smiled

Doctors came rushing in to check Piper over

After a few minutes of poking and prodding and agreeing that they will run tests in the morning

"Can I go see my kids?" Piper asked a nurse

"Of course! Let's get you up and in a wheelchair and Jax can bring you down" She said

Piper looked up at Jax as he pushed her down the hall

"How long has it been?" She asked

"Just about a month" Jax said

"Let me guess you never left?" Piper asked

"Just to take care of a few things and to go home and sleep in the bed" Jax said as he went behind the counter

"Have you seen them?" Piper asked

"Yes, alot I bounce between you and them all day" Jax said as one of the nurses opened the door

Jax wheeled Piper in-between the two incubators, not sure who to look at first

"How much longer are they going to be in here?" Piper asked

"Well Abel only has like another week or so but Abby keeps struggling with a few things so she's gonna be in here a little bit longer" Jax said watching Piper as she put her face up to Abby's case

"They are so tiny, have you held them?" Piper asked

"No, I wasn't allowed to when they came out I didn't even know Abby was a girl until three hours after she was born" Jax said

"Wait why?" Piper asked

"After Abel came out your brain started to swell causing you to lost oxygen to your brain, they pushed me out of the room. I never saw Abby"Jax said

"Oh god I almost died?" Piper asked

"You did. I was scared. They told me if you didn't wake up soon that I was going to have to make a decision" Jax said

Piper began to cry "I'm so sorry you had to go through that babe" Piper said taking Jaxs hand

"I had these two to get me through it" Jax said

"I love the name Abby" Piper smiled

"I had to name her and I didn't know what at first but the nurse that takes care of them at night her name is Abigail and she's wonderful with them so I thought it was perfect" Jax said

"My sweet husband" Piper laughed

"Glad to see your back fully" Jax said

"I was never gone just needed some rest" Piper said


Jax walked into the nursery to see Piper sitting in a regular chair it had been three days since she woke up and was waiting on her discharge papers so he could take her home

He couldn't wait to suprise her when they got home since he went with his mother and picked out all of the nursery furniture and paint.

"Hey babe" Piper smiled

"Hey babe, how they doing this morning?" Jax asked

"Good Abel gets to come out the day after tomorrow, but Abby she's being a little shit" Piper said

"I can't believe we have a girl what am I going to do?" Jax asked

"Keep a shotgun at the door when she's older. I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to handle a miniature me I'm still trying to figure that part out" Piper said

"Well I mean I handled ya so i think I can handle that one too" Jax said

"I just want to hold them... Or at least touch them" Piper frowned

"Soon babe, Abel's gonna break outta here first" Jax said

Jax walked over to Piper and placed a kiss on her forehead

"I wouldn't of been able to do this without you" Jax said

"My big bad biker was gonna give up on me?" Piper smiled

"I didn't want to and I wasn't going to. I'll never give up on you" Jax said

"Good cause your stuck me with me for another eighteen years atleast" Piper laughed

"Good I'm glad it's you and not someone else" Jax said

"Me too no one wants to put up with my ass. Or yours for that matter" Piper laughed

Piper was discharged a short time later, walking into the house was strange to her, she missed the twins terribly already and it had only been a half hour

"Come with me I want to show you something" Jax said taking Piper's hand and walking her down the hall

"I've been working on this all month" Jax said opening the door for Piper to see the nursery, the walls painted a charcoal grey with Abel and Abby's names in block letters above thier cribs, matching dressers with changing tables and motorcycle mobiles above each crib

"Jax it's beautiful" Piper said

"My mom helped but I did most of it" Jax said watching Piper sit down in the rocking chair

"Thanks I was worrying about what we were going to do" Piper said

"I took care of it, I even went shopping for clothes" Jax said opening Abby's dresser

"How did you do all of this? I mean the nurses said you like never left" Piper asked

"I did a lot of online shopping for the bigger stuff and I would go after visiting hours ended" Jax said

"Your amazing Jax" Piper said standing up

"I thought I was gonna be doing this alone" Jax whispered as Piper came closer

"Babe, I'd never leave you alone to raise those kids" Piper whispered

"I watched you die on the table, I thought I lost you forever" Jax said as a small tear ran down his face

Piper wiped the tears away and kissed Jax's cheek

"I'm sorry you had to see that I really am. I love you Jax" Piper said

"I love you too babe" Jax said leaning his forehead against hers

"Take me to bed" Piper whispered

"Babe you just got home" Jax said

"And I haven't gotten laid in like four months because I was to fucking fat" Piper said

"You were beautiful" Jax smiled

"No fat. Just stop with the compliments carry me to the bed and fuck my brains out" Piper said placing her hands on her hips

"Yes ma'am" Jax said biting his lip and doing exactly what his wife asked him to do.

The next chapter will be a small time jump! Are you enjoying this? Anything you would like to specifically see? I've got a few ideas rolling around in my head please let me know if you want me to add something!!!! Thanks to all my readers!!!

Probably not updating tomorrow as I unfortunately have to work but we are moving and I'm sick and I really need to pack!!! Happy New Year!!!!

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