Chapter 2

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The next couple of days flew by between work and research I had little time to check in with Seslie to see if she had discovered anything or to give Leon an update. Of course I was sure had she found something she like myself would have let me know. Though not hearing from Leon did surprise me a bit. With him saying no news was good news was not always the case. All I could do was hope for the best at this point and try to find answers as soon as possible. While it may seem a problem with the vampires shouldn't affect us . My sister and I try to keep problems in the supernatural community to a minimum when we can. It tends to help not draw attention to us as well as everyone else. I personally do not care to have a repeat of the salem witch trials.

So after work on Friday I made it a point to stop by Seslie's place just to check in and to see if she had gotten anywhere with her research. She lives off campus but still out near the college so it was a nice ride to the southeast side of town as I pull into the two story brick duplex on the end of the cul de sac where she lives with her friend Drena I don't see her car but decide to check an see if Drena may know when she's going to be back. As I approach the door Drena opens it before I can knock. She is a waft of a thing at five foot two with peaches and cream complexion and hazel eye. She has dark brown hair currently pulled back in a tight bun and being as she is part elf and part faye it's no surprise I can feel the glamour I know is hiding the pointed ears and teeth. My sister and her meet in basic and became fast friends being as they were both nates. (Supernatural creatures)

"Hey is Ses home?"

"No but she should be any minute . In fact that's who I thought you were when I heard you pull in." she said waving me in the door " Come on in she can't be far behind you her class ended twenty minutes ago."

I followed her into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of cold water from the fridge. As I leaned up against the counter Drena and I made small talk about my work and her classes. Until we heard Ses come in the front door. It didn't take her long to join us in the kitchen.

As she was dropping her purse on the counter and reaching into the cabinet for a glass she asked how I'd been and how work was. After we were all settled at the table with our drinks and the small talk and niceties were over we got down to the heart of the matter.

"So did you have any luck in your search yet?" I asked without further delay.

"Well yes and no." she said.

I'm sure at that point the look on my face had to be as dumb as I felt because I felt stupid. "Would you care to enlighten us stupid people as to what exactly that means?"

"Well I did find a creature or two that likes hearts but none that seem to fit our current situation . Then I came across a few supposed legends that may have some merit but that is more your area so I thought you might be able to help with those. If they are based in reality that is."

" That is always the question isn't it? So anything we are familiar with and can rule out right away?"

" Well the one's we already ruled out are mostly magic users like your sorcerers and necromancers who eat the heart of their victims to get their power or their knowledge. Then of course there were zombie's they like all organs not just heart so they would not have stopped there. The same is true for Drauge they eat flesh as well as organs so I guess that includes the heart so again they would not have just stopped with the hearts. The last we found was the Kappa but it only likes the hearts of children plus it has to live near salt water so I'm thinking that leaves us with the legends to chase. I'm sure that Grann will be able to tell us if most are true or false so that will save us some time there plus a lot of them tend to stem from native american folklore which we both know is her bread and butter."

"So what kind of legends are we talking about here ? Anything she would have used to scare us as kids?" I half joked. We both loved Grann but she did love to try to scare the pants off us when we were young and to her credit it work.

" None that were familiar to me but since you're older maybe your memory is better. Here I wrote them down. There aren't many but it's still early in the research process. I know that won't be what Leon wants to hear but It's the best I can give for now . Drena has agreed to help me more this weekend and we are out of classes Monday so that should help."

I took the paper and glanced at it. Nothing on it seemed familiar from the tales Grann told to keep us in line as kids. That doesn't mean she didn't use any of them it just means they weren't any of the top scariest in my memory. " You're right I doubt that's what Leon will want to hear not that I've heard from him. Have you ?"

" Of course not. He always goes through you."

"I just thought maybe if Drew was back that he might have used him as a go between." Drew is the sexy vampire Seslie dates he is also one of Leon's generals .

"While I see your point ,much to my disappointment, he isn't due back till later next week. So the answer is still thankfully no. Are you telling me he hasn't called to bother you for an update?"

" Nope not one call, message or text. Very strange right? We did all agree that the transitions were all on hold until something could be determined right? I didn't just imagine that?"

" No sis we did make that agreement but if he's not calling it does make one wonder if he is really sticking to his bargain. Because if things were on hold I would think he would be chomping at the bit to know what we knew and when it could be fixed."

"My thoughts exactly.Which means he likely hasn't stopped so should we call or pay him a visit?"

"I can do ya one better and we will make tony's day in the process." she cooed.

"Oh yeah and just how is making Tony's day going to get me answers about Leon and weather he's a lying rug?"

"Well Tony was just complaining we never all hang out anymore and who else would know what Leon is doing but the guy that guards his door? It's killing two birds with one stone and so much more fun than trying to read through all the lies we know Leon will tell us till we can wring the truth from him. Plus we haven't been out to have fun in a while. We owe it to ourselves ."

Well she was right about a few things there. For one Tony most likely would know what Leon was and wasn't doing and he would be more than willing to tell after a few drinks he always got loose lips. And it had been a while since we had done anything fun. Come to think of it make that a LONG while. "Why not? It's worth a try worst that can happen is we have a good time and learn nothing." I laughed.

I left in good spirits with plans for us and several of our friends, Tony included ,of course, to meet the following night at The Curve Inn. It's the go to bar on the south side.

With plans in place to find out what Leon was up to I headed home to call Grann and start my search of the grimoires , tomes and books of shadows I had available. Where Seslie loved the computer research to me digging through a book written by someone who truly lived it, there was no better feeling.


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