Chapter 5

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Monday morning came too early and work seemed to be dragging. I have always loved being a nurse but I was finding the idea of being paid to help the supes quite exciting. I mean it wasn't like Ses and I haven't done things like this in the past but it was always just because it was the right thing to do. Even though I did feel like maybe this was something I should do just because it was the right thing to do and because Tony as well as several of the other shifters were friends. Let's face it mixing friends and money might very well be a bad idea.By the time my work day was drawing to an end I was no closer to a right answer for what was the right thing to do. While I was sure I wanted to continue the investigation into what was killing the newling's before they could rise , whether I could make myself take money from people I counted as friends was another thing entirely. Then of course there was the question of whether meddling in vampire politics was a good idea.

Before I let work I texted Ses to let her know to expect me. While we were sister and very close I couldn't remember the last time I had seen her three days in a row in ages. That in and of itself made me smile. In truth I missed sharing everything with her like we did when we were both at home. If we decided to do this it might feel like old times. As I drove I found myself liking the idea more and more.

To my surprise Seslie must have been watching for me because as I opened my car door to get out she opened the door to her apartment and waited as I walked up meeting her in the doorway with a brief hug, I followed her into her apartment. " It's about time' she complained as we made our way to the kitchen.

"Well I missed you to sister," I mocked with a smile.

"You're so funny. Not!" she replied as Drena and Drew joined us at the breakfast counter. "So I know you said we have to talk but if you don't mind I need to go first."

Slightly apprehensive about what could possibly be so urgent Seslie didn't want to know right away what I had found out at the vamp headquarters I just nodded for her to go ahead.

With no preamble she blurted,"Leon has been dethroned by some english vamp on a power trip. The shifters are being used as bleeders and the transitions are still being hijacked by some big baddy of unknown origin. We have to do something."

At my smile they all three gave me looks like I had lost my ever loving mind. So I assured them,"I know. That's why I'm here."

"Oh," my sister said quietly. "Wait. how do you know? We only found out because Drew went into work last night. I can't imagine that news traveled that fast to the supernatural community."

"It didn't I went to see Leon last night and was blessed with meeting the new doorman. He's a real treat." I stated sarcastically. "Anyway after my failed attempt to see Leon ,Tony and I went for drinks and a confab. He gave me the lowdown on what had happened or what he knew of it and actually him and a few of those who are loyal to Leon want to hire us."

"For what? Drew asked.

"Well for what Leon initially hired us for and then to help get Leon back on his throne, if possible. Before you say anything I have thought about it and if you think we should stay out of it or that we shouldn't take their money I'll agree with whatever you decide since it may affect Drew if we fail and our friends too if you think about it."

They all just smiled at me.

"So you are fine with just letting things go on like they are without worrying about exposure or the lives that will be affected?" Drena asked sarcastically.

"Well not when you put it that way, no. But I'm trying to keep in mind that my sister is dating a vampire and that if we go poking our nose in their business it may reflect badly on him, as well as causing problems for our friends. And while we all know I hate the idea of any supernatural exposure, it's not something I plan to dive into without my sisters full backing."

"So if I said no you would really just walk away and forget about this whole mess. About our friends that are either out of work they enjoy or being used as little more than blood slaves and about the people who are dying during transition because some moron took over and is putting them in some bad guys cross hairs without a clue?" Seslie asked while they all looked at me.

I wanted to say yes of course if they thought that was best that is exactly what I would do. But I couldn't lie to my sister she knew me too well. So my non answer was all she needed to hear.

"I didn't think so sis. I know you too well. Hell I think we all here do ,and so does Tony that's why he brought the offer to you."

That made me frown. She made it sound like I was an easy mark. My face must of said as much because she continued before I could even think what I was going to say in response.

"Now don't give me that look. I'm just letting you know that I agree. There's no way either of us can walk away. Or that we'd want to.It's just not how we are. That's why we talked before you got here. We are all in." she finished with a smile.

"I have to say this would have gone a lot smoother if you ,my sweet sister ,would have opened with that",I laughed.

We spent a little while working out a plan of action and we each took an assignment and made plans to follow up in two days with Tony and any of the shifters who wanted to be there. Since Tony came to me I was in charge of making that happen and Drew since he was still working with the vampires would be our inside man. That's why he planned to fill things out and see if the vamps that followed Leon could be trusted to help us out or if we were on our own and needed to keep our plan to ourselves. Of course we all knew we'd have a better chance of getting Lean back if we had more insiders on our side.

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