Chapter 7

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After everyone left and things were all cleaned up I pulled out the book of shadows for a while . It felt like I was getting close to figuring out the secretes the book had to offer. I know that’s an odd way to look at things but for some reason that is how I have always approached things like this. Learning what a new grimoire or a new book of shadows has to teach isn’t all it's about for me. It has always been just as much about figuring out who they were through the spells they wrote and the focus of their magic. Gran once said someone's magic was a map of their story. A complete family book of shadows can tell you all you could want to know about someone's past, present and future .

So far I knew the book was written by  a witch not a warlock . She favored nature magic and she could travel the shadow realm , as well as astral project, not unlike myself. The coolest part was  that she could jump back in time . Which was very rare. To do so general meant there was god blood in the linage. And yes gods are real just like witches , vampires and shifters. The belief that any type of time manipulation is most likely to even supers believe some power are God like,In fact many believe  supernaturals were a result of  god's breeding with with humans .

Of course that is only one belief. There have been many throughout time. Native american supernaturals believe each race is a direct descendant of the great spirits while Shifters believe each group were born of a deity from Greek mythology to be their army's or children depending on the myth you follow. Except for wolf shifter who believe they are the result of a virus made by Zeus who is said to have curse the first Lycan with lycanthropy because he tried to feed Zeus human flesh. Thereby the reason movies and books tend to refer to werewolves as cursed. The truth is there are likely more stories, theories and myths than supernatural races .

Since I'm both Cherokee and a witch my believes tend to span a variety of myths. For example I believe that the part of me that is a healer is from my Cherokee spirit while my ability to walk the astral plane is from the mother goddess Hecate.

Yet most of my spells tend to pay homage to those beliefs, I wasn't finding that with these spells and if I wasn't mistaken a couple of the works were curses. That's the problem with ancient Latin some words or phrases can have multiple translations depending on who taught you.

It seemed the more I learned from this book of  workings the less I felt I knew. But that's what kept my attention as Gran knew it would. I can't stand to leave a mystery unsolved. I guess that's why I couldn't walk away from the vampires without knowing what was going on. Da always said I was like a dog with a bone. Wonder if that's a good thing or not? I guess I'd find out when all was said and done with this case and  maybe the book too.

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