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«Chapter 1 : You ungrateful brat!»

Author's POV

"Seokjin oppa..." Soojin called out sheepishly, her lips forming into an 'O' and her eyes narrowing. She had to do it this time.

"At your service, your highness." Seokjin sacarstically called out from the kitchen, batting his eyelashes as he spoke. Soojin knew it, Seokjin was still very pissed off at her for helping her classmate cheat in a test.

That day Seokjin knew about this matter was the day she descended to hell. She had received a good 2 hour lashing from Seokjin on telling her the principles of life and how she should stop helping others. Because every single time she helped, it always turns out as trouble. Seokjin knew that she was very kind at heart and her instincts screamed at her to help others. But he just couldn't witness his poor sister getting used in school by her "friends". Yes, yes, Soojin had help her classmate cheat in a test, but in return she had gotten a bloody 1 week detention from the school for helping to cheat. Seokjin hated the school, school was a bitch. Soojin was his only family left and in no way was he going to let Soojin get bullied for free. Their parents had passed away due to to a flight crash. They were just heading back to Korea from work overseas when the news reported that the plane had crashed. They didn't even knew that their parents were on board on that plane (Seokjin had even shaked his head and said something along the lines of "Bless all of the affected families," and "Poor things.").

Hah, god really has a funny way of playing, right after Seokjin said that they received a call informing them of their parents' death.

Both of them had cried for such a long time, Soojin taking a longer time to accept reality. Reality sucks, but soon after they learned to pick themselves up again and continued on with life.

"Could I..." Soojin trailed off as she watched her older brother carried a huge pot of kimchi stew. Taking this as a chance (and of course her instinct to help), she jumped over the couch trying to take hold of the pot of kimchi stew. She would help, if she could cheer her brother up and make her request.

"Ow!" As soon as she touched the pot, she let out a short scream of pain. "Damn, the pot's hot! You know, hot!" She giggled at herself for making such lame pun before regaining the state of pain she was in. "Owww!"

Seeing his little sister in pain, Seokjin quickly placed the kimchi stew down on the table. Walking over, he took his little sister's finger to look. "Look at you. Why are you so clumsy?" Seokjin grumbled.

Walking over to the first aid kit, he brought the first aid kit over to Soojin's side before taking out some cream and applying it on the girl's finger. Slapping the cream on hard, Soojin winced. "Ah! Lighter will you?"

"You deserved it, why make such rash actions? Kindness doesn't always repay okay?" Seokjin furrowed his brows and spoke while Soojin jutted her lips out.

"Spill the beans, what do you want?" Seokjin narrowed his eyes on her. "You needed something from me right?" He asked.

At that, Soojin knew that firstly, her brother was no longer pissed at her. Secondly, she could finally made her request. Soojin smiled, not caring about the pain she felt at her finger anymore.

"Well, I wanted to helpㅡ" my friends buy ice cream, they messaged me to help them buy some and bring it over to their house... But before Soojin could complete her sentence she was interuppted by Seokjin.

"Nah-uh," Seokjin waved his finger twice. "You are not going to do anything that involves helping, my lovely sister." He batted his eyelashes at Soojin, acting all innocent.

Walking over to return the first aid kit, he continued, "The last time you told me about helping this old grandmother crossing the road, a car knocked you down. You almost broke your legs and ended up in the hospital for two weeks with a cast wrapped around your legs, remember?" Soojin winced at that memory. It definitely had not been pretty.

Seokjin turned over, facing Soojin. Flipping his imaginery hair out of the way he said, "and me being the benovelent one," he paused (for the dramatic effect), "was busying myself behind the scene dealing with those white wordy sheets of papers ㅡ hospital bills." Seokjin deadpanned. "And I had to starve myself for the couple of weeks afterwards because your hospital fees were so damn expensive. We are broke." He walked away, heading over to the dining table.

"Oh," he stopped in his footsteps. "And you are always welcome to say thank you, you ungrateful brat."

Then he said to himself, "how is it that I help raised you up yet I do not recieve any good help from you? Only trouble knocks on our door... What kind of sister is that..." Seokjin snorted at his words before continuing his way towards the love of his life. Food. Yeah.

"Hey! I heard that!" Soojin scrunched her nose up. Of course she was always thankful for her brother, she just couldn't bring herself to say thank you. But deep inside, she was and will always be.

Sighing, Soojin took out her phone before typing in a message.

Group Chat (1)

Soojin : Sorry guys, I can't help you get the ice cream. My brother's roasting me alive for helping you guys :( I will make it up to you guys some other day! I promise! (Message un-read)

Satisfied with the message, she threw her phone to the other side of the couch before joining Seokjin for dinner.

Little did she know that, her message was soon read by everyone in the group chat. Yet, not even one of them had bothered to reply her. They all knew that Soojin is kind and helpful and they were planning to make full use of it before abandoning the poor girl.


Hello! Chapter one is out! Seokjin makes an appearance first! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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Till the next chapter :)


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