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«Chapter 6 : Mission 101, Save Jungkook»

Author's POV

Soojin wanted to rip her hair out of her scalp. Why did she even agree in the end to help Oh Taerim? She should have just insisted, run away, scream, slap her (if she could) or anything. She shouldn't have promised to help out.

Firstly, Seokjin would be extremely angered if he knew about this. She would probably end up being slap by Seokjin to another country.

Secondly, the female was a freaking ghost.

Thirdly, she definitely did not know who Jeon Jungkook is (except for the fact that he was popular and Seokjin's friend) nor would Jungkook know her. So how was she even going to approach him?


Soojin made crying noises and started to bang her head on the table repeatedly.

"It's noisy, stop it!" Eunsoo crushed a piece of paper before aiming it on Soojin's head.

Wooo, bulls eye!

Eunsoo rolled her eyes as she continued texting (probably guys or she was just gossping).

Meekly apologising, Soojin sighed for the nth time. Nobody was going to hear her out about a female ghost nor was anyone going to believe her words.

"Okay class!" Miss Jung, the math teacher walked in. "Flip your textbook to page 57, we are preparing for a test tomorrow!" Miss Jung knocked on the table before whipping out a little mirror and her red lipstick. She applied the lipstick on and admired herself through the mirror. "Sweet!" Ms Jung called out.

Yeah, and a math test to lessen her burden. Soojin definitely loves maths!


"Oy!" Taerim called out, she had somehow made it into school. Soojin paused in her steps, contemplating whether or not to answer the said girl.

"I know you've heard me!" Taerim shouted, Soojin was about to ask her to keep her voice low as everyone would hear when she suddenly remembered that Oh Taerim was a ghost. A ghost that had requested help from her.

That's why she's here to haunt me down and by haunting me down I mean annoying me to death.

By now Soojin had already given up on the fact that Taerim was going to kill her. The girl had looked way too innocent for that.

Soojin stuck her bottom lip out, she agreed to help and she wouldn't fail too. Everyone knew she was kind but It was just that she did not know how to help Taerim. She wanted to help, her senses told her to help but helping out a ghost? She really don't know how.

Taerim appeared infront of her all of a sudden. Soojin did not know how she appeared, it was in a ghostly way, in ghost terms, in human terms she plainly teleported. That was how Soojin was going to describe it next time, to calm her little bruised heart down.

"So, are we going to find Jungkook now?" Taerim jumped, excited with her idea.

Looking at the girl infront of her, Taerim didn't felt like rejecting her, she had looked so pure, so untainted. She held that childlike innocence to her and Soojin kinda figured out why Seokjin had spoke so well of her and why Jungkook had dated her. No one could reject Taerim.

"I...Alright" Soojin sighed.

"Yay! You're the best!" Taerim tried to pat Soojin's shoulders but it went through. Taerim gasped, looking somehow nervous that it had went through the shoulders of Soojin.

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