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«Chapter 3 : Yoongi's cursed bike»

Author's POV

"Are you heading for your part time job now?" Seokjin questioned the girl who was grabbing all her stuff of the table and trying to fit all of them into her bag. Both of them had work part time jobs to support themselves financially, they had no parents and they just had themselves to rely against. Soojin took up a job at the pizzeria her shift started from 2pm and lasted all the way to 7pm at the night, the lady boss there had been very kind to Soojin and Soojin like working at there. Seokjin on the other hand took up a job at the bookstore, the pay was pretty good.

Soojin nodded, she looked at the classroom clock, "Shit! I'm late!"

"Yeah I know. You know, the things your brother here," Seokjin pointed to himself before tapping on his chest proudly, "does for you. That's why I borrowed the bike from my friend, Min Yoongi. You know him?" Seokjin asked.

"Um, isn't he part of your clique? You know the BTS stuff" Soojin then lowered her voice imitating Seokjin,"'Bangtan boys, One of the seven' that's what you always told me." Seokjin scrunched his nose in confusion. "I did?"

"You thought it was cool." The girl retorted.

Seokjin had always stick with 6 other guy friends. Soojin wasn't sure what their names was, but the 7 of them, from what she had heard from Seokjin, had been through thick and thin together. Soojin didn't really cared about his friends, she just knew that they were a pretty popular bunch amongst the students and teachers for their goodlooks. Soojin had her own life and Seokjin had his. She was just happy that Seokjin had found true friends that cared for him.

Rolling his eyes, Seokjin spoke, "Anyways, remember to thank him. You owe him one, you know maybe you could cycle that lazy ass up the hill." Seokjin patted the girl on the shoulders, "Come on, your other half will send you there." He grinned lazily.


"Get on the bike," Seokjin ushered Soojin. Grabbing onto Seokjin's side Soojin stabilised herself. "Vroom! Vroom! Here we go!" She childishly called out.

"Are you three?" Seokjin rolled his eyes. "Hey! I'm just trying to lighten up the mood!" Soojin pinched Seokjin on the side earning a glare from Seokjin.

"Hold on tight, wouldn't want you falling." Seokjin said. As he said that, he took off towards pizzeria.

As Soojin enjoyed the light breeze hitting against her cheeks she inhaled the fresh air and started to look at the scenery with Seokjin cycling her. She released a hand from Seokjin's side and spreaded her arm out.

Her head spun around facing the front once again, she recognized the surroundings easily, she was near her workplace.

All of a sudden, like a breeze, someone suddenly appeared infront of her sight, right infront of the bicycle.

"Seokjin oppa ㅡ" She wanted to warn seeing that Seokjin took no actions in avoiding the girl infront. "KIM SEOKJIN!"

At her loud calls, Seokjin immediately screeched the bike to a stop, he placed his both feet down on the ground and found balance. Shock at the loud volume, he scolded, "Oh my god! What were you thinking Soojin! Stop shouting! I may lose control and knock into someone on our sideway!" Seokjin made an annoyed expression.

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