Chapter 34

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AN: Updated 12/26/20

The sun was beginning to set when Ace finally got up off the step. Rick and Glenn hadn't returned yet, leaving most of the group still sitting awake by the campfire.

Ace quietly walked over, looking around at the tents. When she got to the group, she froze, not seeing Daryl's tent anywhere. In fact, she hadn't seen Daryl once all day. Not since the viewing.

It was as if the group could sense her moment of panic because it didn't take long for someone to speak up.

"He's over there," Lori said, getting her attention and pointing away from them. They somehow knew she was looking for Daryl. "Across the farm."

Ace looked over and couldn't even make out his tent because it was at the complete opposite of the farm. It was past the barn, past the graves, and nearly at the line of the woods. There was nothing over there but a mile of dead grass. Ace wondered why he was over there, but she already knew. He wanted to get away, Sophia was the only thing he felt was tying him into this group, just like her.

Ace looked back to Lori and nodded sheepishly, almost embarrassed, but Lori didn't notice. She had just came out of her tent, putting something into her back pocket.

"Good luck," Lori said, sounding bitter. Ace's face scrunched, wondering what Daryl did to have Lori so worked up.

After that, Lori walked passed her in a hurry, not making any eye contact. Ace watched as she left, wondering where she was going. Ace just let it go, having too much on her mind already.

Ace slowly limped over to one of the logs around the campfire and slowly sat down, her back screaming at her as she did. She felt so awful today, like she was actually dying. Which she was.

She sat there, watching the dying embers from the fire put out not too long ago, thinking so harshly and so fast that she was zoned out to the rest of the world. But at the same time, her mind was just slowly replaying Sophia. When she ran after her... killed those walkers to save her... but it all fell short when she stumbled out of that barn.

Everything fell short.

Ace sat there for hours, until the night was completely upon them. Not many people were asleep, they were all together in the house. They were planning a nice dinner to distract all the stressing about Rick and Glenn's return. They hadn't invited Ace, but she could see through the large windows that were lit up, illuminating the group all sitting together.

Ace still sat alone, away from everything.

When the sound of voices leaving the house could be heard, Ace stood up. She didn't want to be around them right now. Or anyone.

But before she could move anywhere, Shane was jogging up to her. "Hey!"

Ace turned to him slowly, not wanting to move too quickly and upset her back.

"You seen Lori?" Shane pressed, heaving out breaths. Ace looked at him confused, he was panicked.

"What? Not for a few hours," Ace shook her head, lost.

Shane ran a hand down his face, pacing for a moment. When T-Dog and Dale ran over, Ace grew concerned.

"She's not at the barn. I checked the yards, too," T-Dog said, huffing as he joined Shane's side.

"Lori's missing?" Ace questioned, instant guilt filling her body. She had seen Lori stressed out earlier, but didn't ask anything. Ace should've done something.

"Carl said he hasn't seen her since this afternoon," Dale explained. "No one has."

Ace's stomach dropped.

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