chapter 9

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AN: Updated 12/23/20

Daryl and Ace rode in silence, both still shell shocked from the C.D.C. Ace leaned her head back on the headrest, letting her eyes closed for a while as she tried to regulate her breathing. She wished she was able to do the same for the anxious thoughts that rolled around in her head.

She was reeling from Jenner, his words sticking in her mind like glue. How her cancer was going to destroy her. And if she managed that tiny chance to find her sister, it would be another painful goodbye. In one way or another.

Ace felt saddened at the idea of Jenner evaporated in the building. He was kind. Troubled, but kind. And in the end, he had tried to help her get out. But only her. Ace was not able to determine what made him change his mind. There was something he didn't say.

Ace hadn't seen Jacqui come out either.

Ace glanced to Daryl, his right hand draped against the front of the steering wheel, other at his mouth, rubbing at his stubble. Ace couldn't make sense of him either. She thought of their interactions over the past few days, all varying in tone. She thought he would hate her for what happened with Merle, but instead it seemed to bring him closer to her. Like she was the only one that had some kind of understanding about it. Maybe thats why he kept placing himself around her. Cause of Merle.

Once they got a comfortable distance from the city, Shane's voice crackled through the CB, asking everyone to pull over at a stop up ahead to regroup. Since they were so low on fuel, it was decided that Shane and Daryl's trucks would be left and syphoned for gas. Daryl pulled his motorcycle out of the back of Merle's truck while Dale went into the RV to grab hoses and empty canisters.

Not much was said between the group, the pain of the past hour lingering over everyone. Ace hadn't considered leaving again, for it was time for them to head to Fort Benning. And no one seemed to offer any grievances about her riding with them.

Ace went inside the RV with Glenn, T-Dog, Andrea, and Shane, Dale driving. Glenn took the passenger seat, pulling out a map for Dale as they drove off, leaving Ace to sit with the others.

Andrea and Shane sat across from the table, while Ace hung back with T-Dog against the kitchenette, looking out the window.

"Looks like you're stuck with us for a while longer," T-Dog spoke lightly to her as the RV began to lead the caravan to the highway.

Ace huffed and nodded. Seemed that way. Better than walking 125 miles to Fort Benning.

Ace felt eyes on her as T-Dog said that, causing her to look over at Shane. He was watching her, face scrunched up. Ace didn't understand his irritation with her, they haven't yet even spoken to each other. But Ace was also able to see that same look he gave to Rick. This man was troubled by his own things, only seeming capable to take it out on others.


"Oh, shit."

Everyone in the RV perked up as Dale sighed at what lied ahead of them. Shane immediately went over to the front, while Ace and T-Dog looked through the side window as Dale slowed to a halt.

Discarded vehicles were covering the highway, a flipped over 13 wheeler blocking half the road. Ace should've expected as much, but they didn't have enough fuel to take side roads.

They sat waiting for a second, until the loud rumble of Daryl's motorcycle got closer, him telling everyone that he saw a way through.

The sight was absolutely horrible as they drove on, cars flipped and rammed into each other, corpses lying all around. Entire families laid dead in their cars. The eeriness had chilled Ace's bones since the first moment they turned here. She didn't like this one bit, hating the sight that was all around her.

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