two | i think i've found hell

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H I M 

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H I M 


t h e  n e i g h  b o r h o o d

female robbery

❝  I think I found hell, I think I found something. I think I found something in my TV screen. I think I found out that I have nothing, that I have nothing in this place for me ❞


h e l l

a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death.


     "I need to find it, I have to find it, I must have it!" feverish whispering was heard from a body in a fetal position on the floor. Shadows fell upon the body as the figure sat up, weaving his hands through his hair several times. Ragged breathing echoed from the boy as he muttered the same words again and again. 

     The forest floor he was sitting on had turned it's atmosphere from humid and adhesive to bitter cold and breezy winds that rushed past him. The sweat that clung his hair to his forehead began to dry.

     It was like the world was speeding on, the colours of the sky turning from oranges to blues and purples. His eyes fluttered close, taking deep breaths.

     "I can not regret this, I will not regret this, no, no, I won't," he assured himself, however his voice cracked. Opening his eyes, it was dark. 

     He slowly stood up, the same gleam in his once brown now vibrant blue eyes begun to glow brighter in the dark night. His whole demeanour changed as every breath he now took made him look confident and stronger.

     "I must have it," he said in a bolder voice, flashing a grin to no one in particular, as he rose from the ground. The bitter breeze rushed past him in a hurry, a fear of getting in his way, and he grinned to the ground, a dark look erupting his face. His grin was no longer a playful one, but a malicious and evil one.

     The strands of chocolate brown hair that were once stuck to the glistening sweat on his forehead were now dried from the biting wind of the cold night. The mesmerized look in his eyes was dying, the hunger for power, the greed for dominance, the need for superiority began to slowly simmer in him. 

     His blue eyes dimmed, slowly turning into chocolate swirls, and soon were like dark pools of water that gleamed underneath the moons fluorescent light. Blood began to drip from his nose. Touching it softly, he looked at his fingers coated in RED.

     The dark liquid did not stop oozing from his nose. It traced over his lips and began to drop to the ground. His hands began to shake, trying to stop the blood from flowing. Eyes flashing wildly, he ripped a part of his sleeve and covered his nose. The dark blood seemed to never end.

     He opened his mouth to scream but nothing came out. Cheeks beginning to wet from tears, he fell to his knees, sobs crashing over him like waves.

     As soon as his eyes returned to their normal colour, the dark eye bags underneath his eyes were prominent, and his eyes had held a look of dread and fear. His heart began thundering inside his ribcage, and the silence was deafening him. It was a forest, but there was no noise that night.

     Only the whispering of the dead air that began to form a mist in the forest floor and the quiet whimpering of a collapsing boy.

     Slowly, his screams were coloured with sound, echoing in the forest; broken and in pieces. The sound of pure agony and the gnawing guilt in the boys gut clawed at him. His heart hurt. Or maybe it was just his head. He couldn't figure out which one.

     The life that once burned bright in him like a flame was now coming to an end, as he had made a deal with the Devil. The Blue Devil that had given an illusion of innocence, and blind with arrogance, the boy foolishly accepted it. He could feel himself break into pieces, as his screams grew louder, but nobody heard them.

     Nobody but the silent night, and the pitying Moon.


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Dedicated to NathanJackson525

Happy birthday, buddy! Guys, I haven't played GTA or Overwatch in so long..


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