3 / short for reject

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A/N - Sorry if it confuses you that Willow is called two different things. Willow is her actual name and Ree is a name given to her by her bullies.

Willow/Ree's Pov

I haul myself out from the closet after I hear the last bell and no more voices.
Weaving through the old empty corridors I limp to the front entrance.
The big obnoxious bright red double doors were already propped open by a chipped piece of wood they made in DT that one year.
The concrete steps were cracked, chipped and crumbling and in desperate need of repair but our school was too cheap for that I guess. 
Never the less I stumbled down them and made my treck back to the hell hole I call home...
I slow my pace remembering where I have to go back to.
"HEY! WAIT UP," I hear the same voice from the music room yell.
Internally groaning I speed up again trying desperately to lose him.
Then I feel his presence next to me and I sigh.
"Why dod you run away from me?" He frowned matching my pace
I just shrug and continue walking to my house.
"Who are you?" He asks his bright blue eyes piercing through mine.
"I'm" I hesitate a second "I'm no one" I state coldly leaving a blank expression plastered on my face.
"Everyone is someone" He frowns.
"Well, I'm the exception" I walk faster but he jogs to catch up.
"There isn't an exception" He pushed as I walked.
"Well, I'm no one important...Not anymore" I looked down at my feet as they padded on the cold concrete path.
"So you are someone" He stated and I shake my head.
"No. I was someone" I push past him getting sick of the conversation.
"Nope your not getting away without telling me your name" He yells grabbing my arm and twisting me around to face him.
"people call me Ree" I frown kicking the ground.
"Ree? Why do they call you Ree?" His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.
"It's short for reject" I mumble ripping my arm from his grip. 
He fell silent and he was no longer by my side as I walked down the empty street.
Then I felt a strong hand latch on to my arm and I flinch away.
"I want a real name" He growls forcing me to face him.
"No." I snap trying desperately to free my arm.
In seconds I was pressed against the wall, his face inches from mine.
"I said I wanted a name princess... So tell me your name" His hot minty breath fanned against my flushed face.
"Look you're obviously new here or something so get this through that pretty little head of yours" I spit pushing him back "I am NO ONE! I am just someone who hangs in the bleachers that no one cares about and I prefer it that way. So if you could just forget about hearing me sing and forget I exist it would make both of our lives easier" I say poking his chest.
"I'm not new here...I just haven't been to this school in two years because of...buisness" He scratches the back of his neck.
"Again I don't care so just leave me alone okay" I frown trying to move past him again.
"Hey. I don't know what the hell had happened to you in the past but I am trying to help you and all you are doing is being a bitch about it" He snarls blocking my path.
"I don't need your help! I don't need anyone they only hurt you in the end. Just let me go back to the bleachers and we can all move on from this and you can go back to you ass hole friends and go fuck some school slag or something." I snap back.
"You obviously underestimate me, princess. I don't go around 'fucking some school slags' so don't go guessing what I do in my spare time" He growls again.
"Sure!" I scoff finally managing to push past him.
He groans in frustration before grabbing my arm.
"Just let me go home" I yell but he picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder.
"Nope you're coming with me" He states walking the opposite way.
"HELP! THIS GUY IS KIDNAPPING ME!" I shout punching his back rapidly.
"Oh don't be so overdramatic" He chuckles.
" If you don't let me down I will force you to let me down" I yell earning strange glances from onlookers.
"Go ahead princess, I would like to see you-" Just as he was about to finish I elbow him right between the shoulder blades.
He groans and stumbles letting me free and I yell with happiness before bolting down the street.
"GET BACK HERE REE" He bellows after me and I just laugh.
"IN YOUR DREAMS ASS HOLE" I yell back jumping across a bench and launching myself into the woods behind the street.
"Just give up now Ree" He chuckles as I back into the forest.
"Again, in your dreams" I giggle before sprinting and jumping off a tree root onto a branch.
I swing myself up onto a higher branch across from me and hr again growls in frustration.
"Since when were you part monkey!" He shouts running his hand through his hair staring at me as I swing on the branch happily.
"There is a lot you don't know about me" I smirk hanging upside down as he jumped trying to reach me.
"Then tell me" He suggests and I laugh at him.
"Nope. I prefer it if no one knows about me" I say sitting up properly.
"Well that's no fair" He pouts
"Life isn't fair" I frown before standing up on the branch "Bye," I mumble before climbing to the top of the tree.
"No Ree! Get back here!" He groans and I wait at the top of the tree patiently.
When I say patiently I mean checking to see if he was gone every five seconds and fidgeting every five seconds while tapping my nails on the bark of the branch.
Ugh, why can't he just leave already?I think to myself checking again.
A huge smile forms on my face when I realize he has finally given up like everyone else.
Triumphantly I hop down the tree and skipped out from the ally.
Then two large arms wrapped around me causing me to squeal.



Another chapter finished!

Anyone know the song at the top and who it's by?

Also, I LOVE this song what do you guys think????

Thanks for voting and taking the time to read my story. I love you all!!! 




-Tasha xox

word count- 1060

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