7 / No one will ever love you

639 35 7

Ree's Pov

"Yes, I'm tired and hungry," I whine making him chuckle slightly.
A small blush crept onto my face as I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt and his loose joggers were hanging low, showing his v-line.
His sculpted chest was on full show and I couldn't help but peek a little at his six pack.
"Well we can relax on the sofa and order take out," He smiles, pleased with himself before dragging me over to the sofa.
"I really should get going..." I mumble shuffling back, attempting to reach for the door again.
"Please, stay...I could use the company," He pleads with his big blue eyes...
God those eyes...
They were like two deep blue oceans filled with emotions that swirled around like currents...

They were beautiful.

"Fine," I groan causing a huge smile to grace his gorgeous face.
"I'll order the take out, what do you want?" He questions pulling out his phone.
"Pizza?" He nods in approval before disappearing to order.
I gaze back at the door.
I could leave right now and go back home...
Back to my abusive guardians who are most likely hammered and high...
A small frown appears on my face before I turn swiftly and make my way into the living room.
I hop over the back of the couch and wait for Dante to return.

My mind began to wonder as dread then began to flood my body.
What are they going to do tomorrow? When they finally realize that I'm not there to cook them dinner they are going to flip.
Flashes of them beating me and the various bottles being thrown at my head makes me cringe and sink further into the sofa.
The bitter taste of fear overtook my mouth forcing my body to freeze at the various different punishments I am inevitably going to receive...
My hand reached for my cheek tracing the faint scar I had managed to cover.
Then my hand wiped away salty tears finally making m realize that I was crying.
God... I was so weak...No wonder they beat me.

"The pizza should be here soon," Said a deep voice that broke me from my train of thoughts.
I force a fake smile and pull my legs up to my chest.
"Okay," My voice was shaky and cracked slightly surprising me.
His eyes dulled as he looked at me and his fists clenched as his muscles tensed.
He then left the room without saying a word...
I feel my lips turn downwards into a pathetic frown before I feel my feet touch the cold wooden floor.
He doesn't want a weak pathetic...thing...like me here.
My own words stung as I shuffle closer to the door.
The cold metal of the handle against my hand caused a small shiver to run down my spine.
Twisting the handle I am met with a frozen breeze that nipped at my skin sending a wave of goosebumps across my body.

Tears threatened to fall as I made my way back down the cold stone path.
Street lights cast their dim light across the footpath creating a small circle of hope among the darkness of the night.
Shadows crawled across the buildings and down the alleyways hiding from the little light that refused to die.
My footsteps bounced off the walls of the sleeping buildings and seeped out from the cracks in the brick.
The voices in my head laughed at me as they chanted the truth in my ears... 
'He only pitied you that's the only reason he invited you over to his house'
'He never cared for you'
'He never liked you'
'He hates you'
'You shouldn't be surprised who would love a pathetic thing like you?'
'You are just a waste of space'
'He will never love you'

'No one will ever love you'

The words hung heavy on my ankles making my pace slow.
Each word tore through my skin and right into my heart before making its way up to my brain and sticking itself there as a constant reminder of how worthless I am...
"What's a pretty lil thing like you doin' out here alone at this hour?" A deep gravely voice forced me to turn around.
Three guys stood there, their faces slightly covered with shadows.
One with brown hair and matching brown eyes and the other with brown hair and blue eyes.
The 'leader' had dark raven black hair with piercing green eyes.
"That's none of your concern," I growl before beginning to walk away.
Black hair gripped my arm causing me to flinch back.
A dark smirk replaced the thin smile as he let go of me and turned to the brown-haired boys.

"Grab her," He snaps as the two suddenly charge towards me.
Panic flooded my body as I sized them up.
Neither of them looked that strong so I could take them, hopefully...
Brown eyes reached for my left arm as I dropped into a crouch and kicked his legs.
He stumbled backward but managed to not fall.
Blue eyes then lunged at me causing me to jump straight into the arms of brown eyes.
"Caught ya," He growled causing me to freeze.
He flung me over his shoulder with a grunt and looked over at the leader.
The sound of a phone going off caught all our attention as raven hair let out an annoyed growl.
"Randy, make sure she doesn't escape while James grabs the rope," Raven hair yells before going off to take his call.

'James' ran over to a dodgy looking truck and began looking for the rope.
A small smirk appeared on my lips as an idea popped into my head.
I grabbed onto his underwear, thank god for his pants being so low hanging, and yanked them as hard as I could.
Randy let out a high pitch squeal and instantly dropped me with a pained groan.
I scramble to my feet, leaving him on the floor whining and bolted the other direction.
James could be heard yelling and soon I heard two sets of footsteps behind me.

I don't dare look back as I raced down the abandoned streets regretting the fact there is no athletic bone in my body.
Suddenly, I felt a hard object hit my feet sending me tumbling to the cold ground.
A short, sharp scream slipped my lips as my face skidded across the pavement sending a dull pain through my cheek.
Groaning slightly I manage to turn around so that I was sitting down facing upwards.
James and Randy soon came into view as their bodies towered over me.
My stomach dropped as a large lump formed in my throat...

I'm doomed


Sorry for the lack of updates lets just say my personal life has not been so great lately...

Anyways I hope you enjoyed!


You guys are the best!!!!


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-T xox

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