8/ do it yourself

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Ree's Pov

I had little hope left...

Sitting in the same spot for 6 months can do that to a girl I suppose.

I also think the whole kidnapping thing has its own little contribution.

I sat here hoping my prince charming would burst through the doors and save me from all these disgusting men. But no. I am still here and no prince charming has kicked down the door. Disney lies and Marvel isn't too far behind them.


A muscular man with a mustache slides a tray of food to my chained feet. His eyes held a slight hint of worry but other than that was swallowed by an overcoming darkness. This room had that effect on people. The dark brick walls they attempted to paint only for it to peel off and make the room look even worse. The windows barred with rusting metal that was molded into the crumbly framework. The floor created from cracked gray concrete giving it that classic prison vibe. Perfect.


Anger bubbled behind the dark gray clouds in his eyes. I always refused to eat. Starving myself until the point where my body shut down and I pass out. Each time they would force food into my body through tubes and water by a drip. And each time I would end up right back where I started.

In this Lifeless. Dark. Room.


His voice bounced off the walls drilling into my ears until it reached my brain. But I sat unmoved staring at what was left of the paint that clung to the bricks. My stomach lurched and knotted at the thought of eating anything these people gave me. The sound of cursing swiftly followed. Usually, he storms out but this time he was coming towards me.


His eyes were dark and clouded by anger as he crouched in front of me. A sharp stinging sensation hit me face snapping my head to the side instantly. Slowly turning my head towards him I see his mouth moving his face reddening but I don't hear a word. Then he spits at me.

"Wrong move" My voice came out low and gravely. Almost dangerously deep for someone of my personality and character.

In seconds I had my legs twisted and the chain wrapped around his neck. His hands gripped the metal turning white from the force he was using to free himself. Slowly he turned purple and his eyes clamped shut.

I didn't want to kill him.

So, I stopped. My legs unwrapped releasing him as he collapsed onto the ground next to me. Shuffling forward I reach for the keys in his pocket pulling them out and smiling for the first time in months. These were no longer tears of despair. These were tears of hope. Joy.

I was finally getting out.

In seconds I was rubbing my sore wrists and ankles while searching the man's body for something to protect myself with. A knife. It will do. I gaze down at the watch he was wearing seeing it was 1 am. 

Standing up I rush towards the door and use the ID card I stole to open the door. My heart thumped against my chest knowing they had patrols every ten minutes. Ten minutes to either find a hiding place or find a way to escape this hell.

My feet padded aginst the concrete flooring recalling the way I got to the cell as I had repeated it so many times in my head I could recall it by heart. Left. Left. Door. Right. Stairs. Right. Left. Door. Straight. Door. Left. Stairs. Another door. Freedom.

I take a sharp left before skidding left again and jumping into an empty room as I see a man armed with a gun on patrol. How stupid could I get? Of course, they had more patrol here! It how people get in. I feel dread floor my body flood with dread but force myself out anyway.

I run to the door opening it with the stolen ID card again before taking the first right. Leaping up some stairs I take another right then a left then open another door. Straight ahead of my was another door and as I opened it I took a left and hop down some stairs. Another door. Shit.

Stood by the door was about five or six men. Each armed to their teeth with weapons and there was me. With a tiny ass knife. I was doomed. Hiding in yet another room I hear them begin to talk. 

"The boss wants us now. The prisoner escaped," The tallest growls hand touching his earpiece.
"What if she  gets through the door when we are gone?" Another asks earning a short laugh.
"You really think she is dumb enough to come through the front door," A third man chuckles earning a nod from the fourth.
"And you really think she got through our security," Another shakes his head.
"We have one of the best patrols. She won't even come close to this door while we are gone," The last states signaling them to follow him.

Their sharp laughs and stupid remarks soon faded into the distance and I bolted for the door.


In seconds I was darting for a motorcycle that had been abandoned in the middle of the driveway. The keys were still in and in that few seconds, I felt like the word didn't hate me. Then they started shooting.

Bullets began hitting the ground next to my feet causing me to panic and start the engine. It roared to life and I was surging towards the closed gates. Shit. Closed gates. Turning as quickly as I could without falling I scanned the area best I could while moving.


Pressing my foot down I race for the fallen tree that leaned against the tall brick wall. I heard them talking about it after a storm hit us a few days ago. They couldn't be bothered to move it and it wasn't hurting anyone except the idiots who forgot to duck under it.

"Please please please," I mutter to myself before I jolted as the motorcycle ramped the rotting tree.
The rough bark scratched at the bike as it flew up the trunk before falling off the bottom with a heavy bump. That's when I felt it. just as I was turning the corner that would shield me from the armed men...It got me. 

A small scream slipped my lips as the flesh of my shoulder was ripped apart from a metal shell. In seconds the sleeve of my shirt was being dyed a crimson red and pain pricked all over my body drawing my attention to one thing.

I was shot.


Its been too long and I'm sorry!

I hope you guys enjoyed it tho and I will try my best to update more often.

Anyways don't forget to vote!

-T xox

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