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Willow/Ree's Pov

"STRANGER DANGER! SOMEONE HELP ME FOR FUCK SAKE" I screamed hanging from his shoulder yelling as the people passed us unfazed by the situation.
"I'm not a stranger princess" He chuckles slightly.
"I don't know your name or anything about you so for all I know you could be some random pedo that sits in his basement watching young children" I yell flailing my arms around attracting more attention.
"Dante" He states continuing his way down the long concrete path.
"Well Dante could please let me go I really need to get back home" I frown still struggling.
"I'm sure your mum and dad won't mind you staying out a little late" He laughs.
I freeze at his words and instantly stop struggling.
"Ree?" he questions cautiously and stops moving.
"Put me down" I whisper hiding my face.
"Ree I-" He starts but I shake my head.
"Put me down" I cut him off yelling slightly.
I felt my feet touch the floor and I instantly set off running.
Glancing at my watch I curse under my breath as dread pulled at my heart begging me to go back to Dante.
My mind yelled at me as the devil and angel on my shoulder begged me not to go back to that hell hole.
You know it's bad when a devil and angel on your shoulder agree on something.
Pushing the thought away I forced myself down the short gravel path that leads to my doom.
Droplets of red stained the small stones ready to be washed away by the rain.
I limped up to the door and held my breath.
The smell of weed and alcohol pierced my nose instantly as I gagged holding my nose.
My uncle was passed out on the sofa and my aunt to high to realize I was even there.
Or so I thought.
As I began my way past her she latched onto my wrist, her nails digging harshly into my arm making me hiss.
"You're late, bitch" She spat standing up and pushing me backward.
"I-i know there was this g-guy and h-he" Before I could finish a large slapping sound bounced off the walls and my head snapped to the side.
A stinging sensation flowed freely through my cheek but I don't make a sound.
"Don't you EVER fucking lie to me again! We both know no guy would ever want a filthy slag like you!" A sly smirk etched its way onto her lips as I stood expressionlessly.
Then, I felt a large weight crash over my head as I collapsed to the floor.
My head screamed at me and pounded on my skull trying to escape the pain.
A cold liquid began seeping onto the floor around me.
The familiar red liquid stained my clothes like it always did and I heard the laughter of my aunt and uncle.
I felt one weight them move to my ankle and another to my wrist.
They progressed to add more pressure and weight onto them until I screamed out in pain.
Their full body weights were on both my hands and wrists and boot prints engraved themselves into my red and bruised skin.
Again, a boot came into contact with my stomach and I gasped.
A warm feeling began to overtake my body as it began to numb itself.
Every kick felt like a small thud that bounced through my now hazy mind and every insult was mentally engraved into my suffering mind.
But they didn't care...
I then pretended to pass out, knowing it was the only way to make them stop because they feared they would kill me.
Not because they cared if I lived or not but they didn't want to go to prison.

To be honest, tho...no one would notice.
I could be killed by them, my own family. and no one would be any wiser.
The teachers didn't care what happened to us and I had no on else there to look out for me.
I had no one who cared so, so what if I die.
Doesn't really matter, does it...?

Footsteps leading away from me helped me let out a sigh of relief and the sound of a door slamming make me flinch slightly.
A dying engine followed swiftly followed as I let out a small scream when trying to get up.
The unbearable pain forced its way through my mind and I stayed on the floor groaning and screaming in pain.
Then, an overwhelming darkness enveloped me and I stopped all movement.
I passed out...
For real this time...

* * * * T I M E  S K I P * * * *

I managed to crawl my way upstairs and tend to my wounds...
Now I sit in the bathtub with a razor in front of me taunting me...
The silver slightly reflected the small amount of light desperately clawing at the darkness from the small dying bulb.
A spider web of pain etched in the paint cracking and peeling it away from the walls as various holes littered the wall.
But my gaze always returned to the razor.
My fingernails dug into the palm of my hands as I mutter profanities under my breath and bit my lip.
A cool metallic taste entered my mouth revolting my taste buds as I released my now bleeding lip.
Again I shifted my vision, squinted at the poor;y plastered walls and the cracked and stained tile floor.
Until I gave in...

(A/N- This next part abut self-harm may be triggering so be careful while reading. Also know, even though I'm a stranger to you amazing readers I'm here if anyone needs help or just someone to listen to them. You are all special unique individuals and all deserve to live life to the fullest! Know you are loved)

I closed my eyes and steadied my breath.
The cold metal of the blade swiftly slid across my shaking wrist a the fresh tears fell from my red and puffy eyes.
A dark crimson liquid pooled out taking away the emotional pain and replacing it with a similar stinging sensation.
Deep red droplets plummeted from the open wounds and onto the clear white floor of the bath.
The stinging subsided and the emotional wave of pain flooded back...
So I did it again...
The comforting cold metal cut through the pale skin of my legs making me release a shaky breath.
The salty tears no longer stung my eyes but instead focused on the puddle of murky pain forming at the bottom of the bathtub.
Without realizing four fresh wounds carved themselves into my pale sun deprived skin.
Then I pause.
The horrifying realization hit me and I stopped.
In second the blade was shattered on impact with the wall and I released a pain stricken sob.
Soon new crystal droplets joined the droplets of pain in the bottom of the bathtub as if trying to purify the darkened puddles.
My head fell back against the collapsing wall as I let out one final silent cry for help...

This is my life now...


So that was a sad chapter.

And a reminder that I am here to listen to you guys.

Just pm me and I will listen and help where I can!

Know you are all beautiful amazing fantastic irreplaceable unique human beings and that your life is so important so cherish it and live it to the fullest!

Im here if you need me...





-T xox

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