5/ I'm trying...So. Damn. Hard.

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Ree's Pov

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Ree's Pov

Saturday...Thank god!
No more hell for two days. Just two days of relaxing...well...avoiding my aunt and uncle.

I slip on a hoodie and pull the sleeves down to cover my hands slightly.
I grab a beanie and use that to hide my mess of a hair as I yanked my hood up and jogged out the door ignoring the nagging pain in my chest.
Music blasted through my earphones as I weaved through the small back allies.
Each one like small hamster tunnels that all inevitable ran into one huge open square where a market is sometimes held on a Sunday.
My eyes scanned the open space before I closed them for a moment drowning out the world completely.
Then, a small tap on my shoulder dragged me back to reality. 
I flinch, expecting to be slapped but nothing happened...
Opening my eyes I am met with a familiar a pair of blue eyes.


"Hijo de puta (son of a bitch)" I mutter under my breath before starting to walk off.
Being part Spanish, I speak the language fluently along with some french on the side (and English).
"No hay necesidad de ser grosero amor (no need to be rude love)" He answers smirking.
"If course you know Spanish" I yell throwing my hands up in defeat.
"Ik weet meer dan alleen spaans pompoen (I know more than just Spanish)" He answers in dutch.
"Bon alors vous comprendrez cela. Va te faire foutre! (Good then you will understand this. Fuck off)" I growl kinda hoping he knows french as he puts his hand over his heart and gasps.
"That hurt my feelings princess" He frowned pretending to be hurt.
"Maith (good)" I spit before spinning on my heels only to make him chuckle.
"Hug, fanacht suas!(Hey, wait up!)" He yells spinning me around and frowning.
His eyes traveled across my face and filled with pity.
"Who did this to you?" He said in almost a whisper.
Instantly I knew what he was talking about and tried the huge bruise with my hand.
"Nadie (no one)" I pause "I-I fell" I mutter looking down at my feet.
"Si se cae por qué está en la forma de una mano?(If you fell then why is it in the shape of a hand?)" He growled removing my hand harshly, making me hiss a little.
"Diji que nadie!(I said no one)" I snap pushing him away.
"Ree..." He just sighs stepping forward and tracing his fingers across my bruised cheek.
We stay like this for a few minutes before he speaks.
"Duele?(does it hurt?)" He mumbled, his voice soft.
"Si... Pero solo cuando lo tocas (yes but only when you touch it)" I answer and his hand instantly leaves my face.
"Lo siento (sorry)" he frowns.
"It's fine it wasn't your fault. I deserved it" I mumble getting sick of speaking in Spanish (A/N- and maybe because this lil' author is lazy and sick of translating all of this...)
"No one deserves that. No one" He shakes his head.
"You have no idea" I laugh dryly pushing him away as the tears pricked at my eyes.
"I know someone hurt you...Its a start and I know that you're not okay..." He stops beside me when I freeze.
Looking at him I think of a response without breaking down.
"I'm..." Alone, depressed, upset, suicidal, hurt, mentally damaged, physically abused, broken, worthless, pathetic, unwanted, useless, dying... "I'm fine" I whisper pushing away every other word that threw itself at my brain.
"You are not fine Ree!" he suddenly yelled grabbing onto my arms forcing me to look at me as his eyes welled up with hurt and sympathy.
"I know..." I mumble trying my hardest not to cry "I know and-and..." I pause.
"I'm trying really hard to be fine. But I'm not fine" I choke out no longer looking into his big blue eyes but at the cold cracked concrete path, "I'm trying...So. Damn. Hard. But-but it's just not working! IT NEVER WORKS DANTE! NEVER!" I yell letting the tears flow from my eyes as I looked down.
Suddenly in pulled into a warm embrace, their arms wrapping around my waist, their head on top of mine and I stiffen.
But, slowly I give in and wrap my small arms around his neck and I begin to cry...
And for the first time in years, instead of being pushed away and insulted, hit, beaten and abused, Dante rubbed soothing circles on the girls back while whispering sweet things into her ear.
"Sshhhh, hey hey hey its okay to cry, just let it all out. I'm here for you shhh" He cooed continuing to rub my back as I began hiccuping slightly.
But, soon the moment was cut short and I pulled away.
Instantly missing Dantes embrace I shake my head slightly and say a small "thank you".
Dante just smiled down at me before wiping a single stray tear that had escaped her eyes.
 "No hey problema, amor" He smiles making me giggle slightly before sighing slightly.
"I should get going..." I mumble seeing him frown.
"Come back to my place" He suggests hope glazing his eyes.
"No...No puedo (I can't)" Shaking my head I turn to leave but again he snatches my wrist.
"Por favor! Solo por un rati te prometo (Please! Just for a little while, I promise)," He pleads drawing me in with those damn blue eyes.
"Malditos ojos azules...Bien... Pero, solo por un poquita (Damn blue eyes... Fine...But just for a little bit" He smiles widely before picking me u and slinging me over his shoulder.
"WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN?!" I squeal clinging desperately to his shirt.
As we walked I heard Dante begin humming to himself.
"Maps stretched out-" He says softly to himself.
"Too many miles to count. Let's just say we're inches apart," I continue and from th corner of my eye, I see him smile slightly.
"Even closer at heart," He sings a little louder before we both join in on the next part.
"And we'll be just fine" We both mumble this part.
"Another pin pushed in, to remind us where we've been" I take a deep breath,"And every mile adds up, And leaves a mark on us."
"And sometimes our compass breaks. And our steady true north fades" Dante continues ignoring the weird glances we are getting.
"We'll be just fine" We sing together as he lowers me to the ground and entwines our fingers gently.
I smile up at him as he smiles down at me and a small warmth and comfort raced through me body making me a little giddy.
Both taking it in turns to sing it gets to the final verse and we begin singing together again.

"We'll be just fine. We'll be just fine. It's a matter of time. 'Til our compass stands still, 'Til our compass stands still..." We finish gazing into each other's eyes, his big blue ones swimming with hope, like two twinkling orbs, so fragile but powerful.
One final thought fled through my mind...

I'll be just fine...


Sol another chapters done!

Hope you enjoy it and don't find the Spanish to annoying.

If so I will post another chapter for the ones who don't want the Spanish.

Anyway, hope you guys are having an amazing day and sorry for the late update I have had no internet for the past few days...





And remember...I'm always here if you need to talk.

-T xox

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