2 / the music room girl

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Hey, I'm Willow Wera Wilt.
I'm 18 years old and stand at 5'4.
I have long brown hair that reaches my but and a thick fringe that sweeps to the left of my face.
My eyes are a boring brown color and I have a small button nose and dimples.

At this moment in time, I was looking at the clock begging for this dumb lesson to be over so I could leave and hide in a music room.
I felt balls of paper and pieces of pencil hit the back of my head and I just ignore it, eyes focused on the clock.
Then, the sound of the loud obnoxious bell bounced off the walls and I leaped up from my seat and shoved my belongings into my battered bag. 
As I left I pulled the hood of my jumper over my face and messed with my fringe while I made my way to the music block.
I pushed through the huge mass of students being pushed side to side, kicked, slapped and spat at but by now I was used to it.
My hand came into contact with the cold rose gold metal handle and I slowly twisted it.
Effortlessly I pushed it open revealing my safe haven.
A small black piano sat in the middle of the small space and multiple light blue plush chairs were set in a semicircle surrounding it. 
Best of all...

Not a single person was in there!
Giggling I threw my backpack on the floor and skipped to the piano.
I pull my hair out from its ponytail and shake it a little, letting it cascade down to my butt.
Waiting to hear someone I sigh happily when I am greeted with silence.
The walls were thick and silenced the rowdy crowd of bitching students and bullies.
As well as that it was a totally separate building from the actual school building and was down a small flight of stairs.

I pulled off my jumper and threw it on a nearby chair, confident no one was going to come in.
Smiling happily I pull out my phone and play Ross Copperman ~ How many heartbreaks.
I sat on the small black leather stool and traced my fingers on the small keys.
Slowly I pressed down lightly, gaining confidence as I went.

"I pushing everyone I can away to hold you tight" I start, my voice shaky.
"You're running through my head night after night. Wanna to close out everything and close my eyes" I sigh continuing.

"I wanna knock around like it's time after time! Even though I know they say there's nothing left for me say. Only one, that's all it takes, To take away this feeling!"

"How many heartbreaks do I have to hurt through?! How many hold-ons do I have to burn through?! How many fall-rise, does it takes to shake you?! How many heartbreaks does it takes to break through?!" I sing not as soft as before.

"I wanna tell you that I'll be your rapport, (but) I can't lie...Wanna be the way we were for one more night. I wanna make you feel the love I feel inside.I wanna find the words we lost between the lines. Even though I know they say there's nothing left for me say. Only one, that's all it takes, to take away this feeling" I didn't realize how much I connected to the song until I started to sing it.

"How many heartbreaks do I have to hurt through?!How many hold-ons do I have to burn through!?How many fall-rise, does it takes to shake you?!How many heartbreaks does it takes to break through!?" I cry into the song hitting as many notes as I could.

"I wanna believe in something bigger than myself, yeah...I wanna know habits come and go through this hell. I wanna be thankful for the heartache that you gave me. You gave me..." I calmed slightly.

"How many heartbreaks do I have to hurt through? How many hold-ons do I have to burn through? How many fall-rise, does it takes to move you?How many heartbreaks, does it takes to break through?Yeahhhhh..." I say softer at the beginning adding more emotion as I finished and held the last note.

"How many heartbreaks do I have to hurt through?!How many hold-ons do I have to burn through!? To break through?! To you.....To you...."  I whisper the end and wiped my tears, laughing at how pathetic I was.

Shaking my head I push myself away from the piano and grab my phone. 
A loud cough makes me jump back and fall backward onto my butt with a loud yelp.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you" I tall guy said hurriedly.
He had dark brown hair and large crystal blue eyes.
He was largely built and his muscles bulged from his dark shirt and denim jeans.
"D-did you hear me?" I ask timidly standing and brushing myself off.
His face darkens into a deep red and he nods.
I sigh deeply and grab my jumper and pull it on and pulled the hood back over my head, hiding my face.
"Why do you hide your face?" He frowns making me jump again.
"Uh...I. I just do" I say simply pushing past him.

"Why do you come down here at lunch?" He jigs to catch up and I stop walking.
"Dunno" I look at my feet awkwardly.
"You're really amazing at singing" He states and I blush and shift from foot to foot.
"Thanks... I guess" I mumble before hearing the bell and rushing to my next lesson.
Ignoring his cried for me to wait I weaved through the crowd until in pushed against the cold metal of the lockers.
I try not to react but end up squeaking quietly making them shove my harder into the lockers again.
His cold hand gripped the collar of my shirt as I frantically flailed about trying to escape his grasp.
"Well well well" He chuckled lowly " What do we have here?" He smirked.
"You fucking well know ass-hole now let me go" I yelled kicking him in the no-go zone.
He groaned and dropped me and instantly I bolted down the corridor.
But, and my triumph was short-lived and I fell to the floor when another huge body crashed into mine.
"You little bitch you gonna pay for that" His gruff voice growled hauling me against the wall.
"Get off me you bastard" I yell trying to kick him again but his friends pinned my arms and legs against the wall.
A large stinging sensation flew across my face as a loud slapping sound echoed around us.
Soon after my body became numb to the pain.
The kicks, punches, and other violent actions stopped hurting and I laid there on the floor, curled in a ball, numb.
Not feeling anything.
Soon after they stopped I felt my body being thrown into the janitors closet and I sobbed quietly.
I could hear nothing but my own breathing, my quiet sobs and a loud ringing sound that blocked out everything.

I sang to myself in my head and waited until I could feel my legs and arms.
Until then...

I sat in the dark space, alone, tired and hurt as well as the feel of defeat pulling at my shoulders I was beginning to feel every kick and punch I had received a few minutes ago.   

I closed my eyes pretending that I was okay and that it didn't hurt anymore.
That I was not hurting mentally and physically.... 

But it did.

A lot...


So that was kinda the first proper chapter.

Kinda sad but that's how this book is I guess.

Anyways, I love you for reading this!!!!




-Tasha xox

Word count: 1250

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