Ch-1: It's Time

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Hey...this is my first pls just read and tell me that should I continue or not and pls suggest things too....


Neel was lying face down on the soft couch with his head on the pillow. His mouth was slightly open and a trickle of saliva he drooled made a circle near his mouth. His face was peaceful as he slept on...not aware of the person watching him from across the room.

As Neel lay unconscious, the man left the room....feeling tired of waiting and nervous of what will happen once Neel wakes up. He left Neel's room and walked along a narrow corridor. He reaches the front oak doors and hesitates. His throat dry.

He knocks on the door.

"Come in" answers a deep voice.

He enters the big room and closes the door behind him. This room is much lavish and huge than the one in which Neel currently lies.

"Your highness" said Parva, his voice sounding hoarse due to his dry throat.

"Yes Parva, is he awake?"

" your highness...he is still unconscious. According to the healers he might take a couple of hours to regain consciousness." Replied Parva fearfully.

"Hmmm....I hope he wakes up soon. We need him." Said King Laksh, more to himself than Parva.

"Your't you think that we are moving a bit too fast. He has to understand everything, and trust me it is just too much to grasp at once." Parva said uncertainly.

Laksh releases a breath and then says,"Parva I know what you mean but there is very little time. I myself want him to get to know all of this and realise it by heart, but my dear man the time does not permit it. It has to be quick."

"Yes my lord"

" many times do I have to remind you to not call me 'lord' Parva? Do you always have to be reminded that I am as much as a friend to you as a king?"

"I know your highness, but we must not destroy our code of conduct. According to the laws I am supposed to serve to forever and there will always be a line between us that I cannot cross even if I want to."

Laksh sighs deeply. After a moment of silence he speaks.

"Go and prepare for the journey Parva, we cannot afford to waste a single minute."

"Of course my lo-" Laksh glares at Parva and he hastily changes his sentence." - your highness."

Laksh chuckles to himself. He turns and stares out of his window at the setting sun.

"What did you say his name was Parva?"

"Neel my lord, he and other people know him as Neel. I don't know if he knows the truth abo-"

"Prepare for the journey Parva...we can talk later. We will have enough time to think about it on the journey."

"Sure your highness."

Parva bows down and Laksh sighs again at this gesture. The door shuts behind Parva.

Laksh starts to think about how will he introduce Neel to the current states of affair."

There is a soft knock at the door which brings Laksh back to reality.

"Come in" he says without glancing away from the view of the window.

The door opens and a man wearing the royal army uniform enters.

"My lord, he is awake."

Laksh sighs to himself and gestures the soldier to dismiss himself with his fingers. The soldier bows down and leaves the room.

"I think it's time for this." He speaks to himself.

He leaves his room and walks the narrow corridor with two soldiers walking behind him. As he reaches the finely polished door he hesitates. Then he takes a deep breath to prepare himself for what was to come. He open the door.

The kings dark brown eyes are met with a young man's baby blue ones.

"Hello Neel, how are you doing?" Speaks the king.

__________________________________________________________________________ do you think it is going. What do you think is the secret the king is going to tell Neel? Please give me your views on how to continue.

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