Ch-3: Destiny's mark

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Hey guys...thankyou so much for giving your time in reading this book. I am forever greatful. Here is another chapter for all to enjoy.



Laksh spoke in a soft voice as if explaining things to a toddler.

"Neel, firstly I will like to welcome you to Meluwart. This land lies on the north of your country and you were brought here for a big reason." Said Laksh

Neel raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"You see Neel, you were not kidnapped. You were brought here. Its in your destiny to come here my child." Explained Laksh. Neel however still looked confused.

Laksh breathed deeply. How can he tell him everything without telling too much all at once. It is important for him to wait for a correct time to explain certain things.

"My child, you must understand that we do not have much time left. I want to explain you everything but you must be patient. I know you are burning with curiosity, but time is limited. I will answer all your questions, I promise I will, but I will decide when I will do. So, for now all I can tell you is that you are my hope, the hope of Meluwart." Said Laksh

"Your highness, I am still confused. What destiny are you talking about? What hope am I?" Asked Neel who was actually jumping with curiosity.

"Neel, the first question you ask me is the one I can not answer right now. However you will know it much sooner. I have given you my word and we Meluwarts are known for remaining true to what we said. Now, please ask another question." Said Laksh.

Neel nodded. He didn't know why but all of a sudden, the sincerity in the king's voice had forced him to trust him. He even knew that it was no good to argue. He was never going to win an argument with a king.

"Your highness, can you please tell me how I reached here? I don't really regret leaving my land as I had no true family, but still I will want to know about it." Said Neel hopefully. It had been bothering him that how had he been brought here and how come nobody noticed his absence. He knew that he had no family, but he had been living in a secluded area with a tribal clan. He had helped them hunting and securing their camp from the wild animals. They were not family but the closest he had had. He even was friendly with the children of the clan. Maybe it was only for a limited time, thought Neel.

"Of course Neel. You see, Meluwart has the best army in all of the Indian subcontinent. Our soldiers are best skilled in disguising themselves and escaping without being discovered. We knew where you were living and so it was easy for us to bring you here. But we knew that you would not have come willingly with some strangers to another land so we had to get you unconscious. For that I am terribly sorry but it was important. You see, my army had no other choice. But anyway, they were able to bring you here without getting seen and before anyone could realise your absence." Laksh said the last part with his chest puffed, proud of his army.

Neel nodded. He then suddenly asked a question that should have been the first one to ask.

"Your highness!" He exclaimed suddenly, making Laksh jump a little in surprise. "Sorry for starting you but may I ask that how do you know that I am the person you are looking for. I mean, you could have been mistaken, I mean, anyone could have been." Said Laksh. He was afraid that the king might be angry about being called wrong but was shocked to see the king smiling.

"Ah Neel,you are an intelligent boy. But we have the biggest proof that you are the hope we seek. May I?" Asked the king as he held out his hand for Neel's. Neel hesitated at first but then moved his left hand towards Laksh. Laksh however silently shook his head and pointed at Neel's right hand. Neel handed him his right hand.

Laksh took his hand gently and moved to fold Neel's long sleeves of the 'kurta' (an Indian costume usually worn by men) he was wearing. He folded the sleeve up till the fore arm and turned his hand. Neel looked at his hand and noticed that the king was smiling at the scar on his hand. He had this scar from as long as he could remember, however he did not understand what did this scar had to do with anything.

Laksh looked at Neel and smiled a bit more at his confused expression. "This Neel is the proof I am talking about. This is no ordinary scar. Have you ever wondered why it did not vanish or lighten up with time. Or why did the skin over here did not stretch and destroy this mark?" Asked a smiling Laksh. Neel shook his head.

"This Neel is no ordinary mark my dear, it is what decides your destiny." Said Laksh.


Alright kill me...I know it's short....a Bit tooo short but I had to update and this is just the filler chapter. I swear the other chapter will be super long that you all will beg me to reduce the size. Oh ok....i m kidding. The next one will be long upto 3 or 4 pages. For this chapter shouts out to dhanrajs for commenting and voting.

Love you all....


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