First Sight

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Hiya people. So here's the next chapter. I know I took a bit too long to write it, but honestly telling, I was out of ideas and had to do a bit of research for this chapter. You may find it related to the trilogy...those who have read the book can connect it to chapter three: She enters his life. This chapter is very important as it contains much important facts about this story.

Now i will stop ranting and spare you my boring author's note. Enjoy the chapter.




Neel walked down the corridor with two soldiers ahead him and two behind. He had just received the invitation from king Laksh inviting him to have dinner with the royal family. He had also been sent new cloths to wear, making him appear decent. Now here he was walking towards the royal dining, dreading the meeting. He was nervous about meeting the king's family. He had never before interacted with the authority, not even in his clan. In his land only the adults who had reached middle age would meet the leaders of the clan, justifying themselves more experienced. He had been a mere helper who looked after the security of the clan with others. But now that he was finally meeting a royalty, he had gotten cold feets. Moreover, he did not even know how to greet the people of this land.

The soldiers stopped outside an ornately carved wooded door which appeared to glitter. Neel stopped to and was anticipating the moment when the doors will open. But the soldiers just stood there. No one opened the door. Neel wondered if he had to do it. Before he could muster up the courage to ask the soldiers about what to do, another man from the right approached him.

"I will take it from here commanders. You all can retire for the day." The man addressed the soldiers.

All the four people bowed down and then retreated into shadows. The corridor had been lit up with flambeaus attached on the walls after some intervals. The light from the flames fell over the robust man. Neel's first thought looking at the man was to never cross his path. The man was tall and had a very well built body. His broad shoulders were draped with a yellow kurta that flowed down till his knees. He wore simple white cotton dhoti (Indian attire). His hands were long and muscled with various scars, a proof of his bravery as a warrior. His face was round and tanned. His eyes were a deep brown colour and his mouth was firm. He looked...fierce. Though his expression was calm, Neel was still intrigued by this man.

"Hello sir. I am General Parva. I will be escorting you to the dining hall. If you please." The man said in a deep voice as he gestured to the door.

Neel nodded. Parva and Neel walked to the door and Parva pushed it open. Neel's mouth had already started to water when the smell of the food wafted towards him, filling his nostrils. He tried hard to not drool then and there. Parva moved forward and Neel followed him to a vast dining table made of wood to the center of the room.

"My Lord." Parva said as he bowed deep.

Laksh looked up from the head of the table where he had been sitting with a pretty lady.

"Parva! Oh I see you have our guest. Please gentlemen, please take your seats." Laksh said as he waved his hand around the table.

Parva moved confidently and sat three seats from the king. Neel did the only logical thing he could come up with. He went and sat across from Parva, two seats from the lady he assumed to be the queen.

"Neel, may I introduce you to my lovely wife Tara." Laksh said as he looked at his wife lovingly. Neel got up from his chair and moved towards Queen Tara.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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