Ch-2: How I reached here?

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                             i didnt get as many reads and suggestions for the previous this one is dedicated to james_prongs who is actually reading and commenting. i know i am not that popular but atleast if you read please spare a minute to comment...even if it is negative. anyways...enjoy this chapter.




"Hello Neel, how are you doing?" Speaks the king.

"Umm...hello...ah???" Replies a uncertain Neel.

Laksh chuckles and says in a calm voice, "My dear boy, I am Laksh, the king of kingdom Meluwart. You can call me Laksh."

Neel is silent for a couple of seconds before he speaks.

"No, I must call you 'Your Highness' " says Neel. "Your highness" Neel adds quickly.

Laksh smiles at the young man.

" you wish dont mind if I call you you?" asks the king.

"No no your are a king, so can call me whatever you please. But do you mind me asking something?" says Neel.

"Of course Neel, sure you can ask anything...I know there will be many questions in your mind right now, but lets take it slow. I can only answer some of your questions right now, the rest will have to wait for another time. Now, please proceed with your questions." replies Laksh with nervousness evident in his eyes...however his voice remains strong yet soft.

"umm..your highness...I am sorry to say but am I being the part of a joke?" says Neel quitely.

Laksh looks confused.. "Hmm...why my dear boy do you think it is a joke?" There was a little fliker of anger behind his voice that Neel thinks of him as a joke. Clearly, it wasn't a question he was expecting. Neel noted the slight anger and looked down so that his long black hair fell on his forehead, shielding his eyes from the king.

"I...I..I am sorry your highness. Its just that I..I have never heard of such a kingdom named 'Meluwart'. And hasn't our counrty been ridden of all the monarchs...I mean now there is a proper governmental rule so how come a kingdom exists now. What I mean to say is that wasn't this kingdom cleared away with all others about ten years ago? I personally saw it happen." stated Neel who now held his breath for a shouting session or worse...getting into jail.

Laksh however smiled. How had he not seen this coming? Its obvious that Neel doesn't know about this Kingdom. He lets out a little laugh which forces Neel to look up.

"M'boy, I am extreamly sorry. I should have stated this obvious firstly." says Laksh calmly as he sits down in an arm chair in front of Neel who was seated on the couch. "Now, Neel, you need to understand this with a open head. Do you remember how you reached here?"

Then it struck Neel...he hadn't given a thought as to how he reached here. After he woke up he just had a few minutes in which he took in his surroundings when the king had entered. How stupid had he been to ask of an unheard kingdom but not his surroundings and location. This sure was not his own room.

" your highness, i dont remember how i came here." replied Neel who was blushing due to his own stupidness.

Laksh sighed deeply. He had expected this, and he knew it was not a thing he could run from as he does from other.

"Neel, as i said you need to listen with an open mind and understand this. This Neel, is a kingdom which was not destroyed because it does not lie in your country." said Laksh in a voice which is very much adopted to talk with children.

Neel's eyes first looked confused. Not in his country, then where? Then suddenly the reality hit him...if this kingdom is not in his country and he was here, he sure as hell was not in his own country. At first he had thought he lost his way and stumbled into an undiscovered kingdom which was not destroyed with others ten years ago, but nowhe had other thought. He of course would not have got lost and come into a completely new land. No, there are only two ways this could have happened. First, that there was a massive earth quake and he was here due to shifting of Earth, or else that he was brought here without his concent and knowledge, that he was kidnapped! The latter seemed more likely. Now the confusion in his eyes was replaced with anger...he was kidnapped and in a new country and was asked to listen to a king who might be behind all this kidnapping? Never!!

"You!!" roared a very furious Neel, who stood up from his couch as pointed a finger at the middle aged man standing in front of him accusingly. "You...its because of you. You kidnapped me, didn't you?? Dont think I am stupid enough to belive that i came here due to a storm or can you do it?"

The king however did not even flinch from this outburst of Neel, he sure had expected worse like a threat and an attempt to run away. But this man was fearless, he stood up to a man he thought was his 'kidnapper' ? Wow. This sure was the man, the king was sure now. Seeing that Neel was now standing, Laksh stood up too and started calmly.

"Neel, Neel, you must calm down. Just trust me fo-" but before the king could speak for more than two seconds, Neel interupted him.


At this, the king lost his temper. He had never been addressed to like this before, no one had ever raised his voice in front of him. He tried hard to control this but was unsuccessful, after all who could blame him? He was not used to this.

"HOW DARE YOU? WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE BOY. I AM TRYING TO EXPLAIN THINGS TO YOU BUT YOU ARE NOT COOPERATIVE AT ALL. AFTER ALL, IT IS ABOUT YOU I WAS ABOUT TO TELL." shouted Laksh with even more loudness than Neel's. He after all was a king, his voice did held this power of authority.

Neel cowered a little under the rage of Laksh but still stood his ground. He was not going to let this 'kidnapper' get the better of him. But what does he mean by telling about me? how can he know anything about me? Didn't we just met? well, i mean he could have found my name anyhow, right? Thought Neel to himself. This time he spoke in a lower voice but with a lot of force and a feeling of anger and hatred.

"What do you mean by teeling about me? How can you know something about me?"

Laksh sighed at the change of voice but knew that the worst was still not over.It was to come, sooner or later. He gestured for Neel to take a seat. Neel hesitated at worst but one look at Laksh's face told him it was no use to argue, so he sat down with a bit more force than required. He muttered something incoherent about 'tactless something' but Laksh seemed to ignore it. After Neel sat, Laksh himself sat down on the chair.

He took a deep breath and said,"There is so much you do not know about yourself Neel. I know it will be difficult for you to understand, but please trust me once. Just think about this, if i would have meaned any harm to you, wouldn't i have killed you by now, or harmed you in any sense. But see, you are alright. Could you just trust me for once?" said Laksh in a very calm voice, it was as if the shouting and argument had never happened.

Neel thought about this. Hmmm, he is right. I seem alright....there is no harm done. It won't really matter if I listen to him, will it? No, it won't! maybe it really is something important, seeing that i have no parents or anyone to tell me about myself and my past. Then, Neel nodded at Laksh as a gesture for him to start.

Then Laksh started to speak, speak as if he wanted to tell this all his life.


Ah...a long chapter huh? I know its just no use but a filler...actually i need a bit more ideas. I have only thought a little ahead so please feel free to give me suggestions.

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Thankyou all.


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