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It was morning and Maka and Soul were sitting on the couch. Soul surprisingly was reading a book while Maka was making breakfast. Soul stared uncomfortably in the book as he was blushing. Maka the night before was hanging out with Blair and it was kind of a blur to her what happened.

"Breakfast is ready!" Maka exclaimed with a smile.

"Oh...thanks..." said Soul blushing.

"Whatcha reading it's not like you to read outside of school?" Maka asked.

Soul closed the book and laid it down on the couch. He stood up and looked at Maka.

"Maka...I...I didn't...I need to think about this...I found this on my bed but I...god i'm so confused" Soul walked out to his bedroom.

Maka sat there confused..."need to think about this? think about what?" she wondered. She glanced at the dark red book and noticed something.

"Shit..." Maka said to herself, "Oh shit no...fuck he wasn't supposed to read that".

Blair walked in not knowing what was going on and was holding bags from various stores.

"Hi! I'm back!" Blair said with a smile.

Blair noticed that that Soul wasn't on the couch like he normally was in the morning.

"Is scythe boy sick or something?" Blair asked.

" went to his room..." Maka answered.

"Oh...okay!" Blair replied.

Maka felt sick and wanted to cry. She had just realized that she had ruined their partnership.

"Blair..." Maka called.

"Hmm?" Blair hummed.

"I'm going to call in sick...I think I stayed up too late last night...I'm going to go to my bedroom" said Maka.

"Um okay!" Answered Blair with a worried yet happy tone.

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