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    They sat in complete silence. It was dead quiet between the Meister and Weapon. 

"Maka you can tell me anything...I won't judge..." Soul finally said.

"It's nothing...i'm fine Soul..." Maka lied.

"Maka can we talk for a sec..." Soul asked.

"Oh god here it comes..." Maka thought.

"Maka you haven't been yourself lately..." Soul said, "You've been kinda dead...".

   Soul tries to squeeze Maka's hand but Maka jerks her hand back awkwardly blushing. Maka said nothing while Soul concernly stared at the floor.

"Soul i-i'm fine..." Maka answered trying to comfort him.

    Maka looked in the opposite direction of Soul trying to not stare at his piercing red eyes.

"It's my fault isn't it..." Soul said.

"N-no! it's my own fault...Your my partner and now i've ruined it with that stupid diary..." Maka said angry at herself.

  Soul look at Maka with a sad look in his eyes and then he looked at the ground again.

"You're in love with me aren't you..."Soul asked.

     Maka looked at Soul and then looked away nervously looked at the floor trying to hold back her tears.

"Y-yes...I understand if you don't feel the same way..." said Maka.

"I-..."Soul said while looked at the wall blushing.

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