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     Maka paused she felt confused and conflicted. She grew a little bit angry but not too much.

"Wow thanks for the encouragement..." she rudely blurted out.

"Shut up. Stop blocking me haven't even considered if I feel the same way..." Soul blurted out.

   Maka looked at the ground the tears started to dry up but not completely.

" do you feel?" Maka hesitantly asked.

"Apologized" Soul said bluntly.

"What?" Confusingly replied Maka.

"Say your sorry for blocking me out..." Soul answered.

"Sorry..." Maka said under her breathe.

"Your an idiot...but your my idiot..." Soul said sweetly yet bitterly at the same time.

"S-Soul?" Maka stuttered while tilting her head.

"Yeah?" Soul asked.

"I-I love you love me?" Maka asked stuttering all the way.

    There was a pause of silence...then Soul in a quick act kisses Maka. Maka was flustered at first but after a little bit accepted it and kissed him back. The kiss lasted for what seemed like forever. They break away hesitantly.

"On page 7 you said you always wanted to kiss me but was afraid of my sharp teeth cutting you" Soul said while smiling like a dork.

    Maka turned bright red as she was trying to comprehend what the hell just happened.

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