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    Maka looks at Soul with a panicked yet pleased look.

"And about the kissing thing...I've wanted to kiss you too" He said while blushing.

   Maka laughed a bit while she smiled at him. Soul smiled at her, he was happy she was happy again.

"And on page 16 you said you always admired how I didn't care what people think" Soul said while looking at the ground.

"Ha ha! I do!" Maka said while giggling a bit.

"I became your weapon because I was insecure and socially awkward...I though you didn't care what people thought...I wanted to be partners with a strong person like you..." Soul said while smiling at the ground.

"I do..." Maka smiled again while blushing (so much smiling).

   Maka stayed quite for a couple minutes before Soul pulled her back in for a kiss. This one more gentle and short but still satisfying. Maka blushed again like a huge nerd.

"On page 40 you mentioned that I looked sexy in a suit" mentioned Soul with smirking.

   Maka's whole face turned red while internally screaming.

"Haha! Cute..." Soul laughed, "most of the other parts I won't mention.." Soul blushed while he had his hair over his face.

"Y-you didn't read the whole page d-did you?" Maka blushed super hard and was regretting even owning a diary.

   Soul nodded awkwardly while also blushing.

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